On 01/11/06, Mel <melinem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here is the code for a testing page: http://www.squareinch.net/ client_testing.php?art=btw_logo.jpg I am sure it is a mess since it is my first!!!
Don't do that - publishing your passwords on the internet is rarely a good security policy. Move your include directory out of the document root, then include the file directly. It'll speed things up too. Combine query1 and query2 into a single query by using a join rather than repeating query2 for every single row of query1 - it should save you 20-odd database queries per page request. As others have said - make your html validate. -robin -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php