Re: why so slow?

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Here is the code for a testing page: client_testing.php?art=btw_logo.jpg
I am sure it is a mess since it is my first!!!

<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td align="center" valign="middle" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
<!-- ************************* start header -->
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "";>
<title>SQUARE INCH</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="KeyWords" content="Square Inch, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Website Design, Corporate ID"> <link href=""; rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<!-- ************************* end header -->

<table width="1005" height="579" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
		<td width="213" height="289">
   		<td width="289"  class="navbox1">
<!-- ************************* start navcli/box 1 -->
/* connect to server */

  $connection = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password)
       or die ("couldn't connect to server");
/* connect to database */
  $db = mysql_select_db($database,$connection)
       or die ("Couldn't select database");
/* query 1 from client */
/* the "mysql_query" function gets the data requested by the "select"*/

  	$query = "SELECT * FROM client
				where status='active' or status='old'
				order by companyName";
/* The variable "$result" holds the result of the select query */

  	$result = mysql_query($query)
		or die ("Couldn't execute query");
/* function: mysql_fetch_array */
/* the while loop creates a line of information for each item found by the select query */

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)) /* array variable=$row */

/* display one row for each company */
/* display Company Name then display an arrow */

echo "<span class='navCompany'>{$row['companyName']}</span><span class='navArrow'> > </span>\n";

/* query 2 from job */
	$query = "SELECT * FROM job
				WHERE companyId='{$row['companyId']}'";
  	$result2 = mysql_query($query)
		or die ("Couldn't execute query2");
		$jobsdone = mysql_query($result2);
		/* for each jobType show the jobtype and link to the image*/
			foreach($row as $jobType)
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result2,MYSQL_ASSOC); /* array variable= $row */ echo "<span class='navText'><a href=client_testing.php?art=".$row ['pix']." border='0'>{$row['jobType']}</a></span>\n";
/* start a new line for each company */
	echo "<br>";

<!-- ************************* end navcli/box 1 -->		
   		<td width="289" class="navbox2">
<!-- ************************* start logo/box 2  -->

<img src=""; width="137" height="137">
<!-- ************************* end logo/box 2  -->		
		<td height="289" valign="bottom">
        <td width="213" height="289">		</td>
        <td class="navbox3">
<!--  ************************* start art/box 3 -->
				$image = $_GET['art'];
<span class="pix"><img src="images/<?php print ($image) ?>" border="0" width="273" height="273"></span>
<!--  ************************* end art/box 3 -->

		<td class="navbox4">	
<!--  ************************* start info/box 4  -->


  	$query = "SELECT * FROM client
				where status='active' or status='old'
				order by companyName";

  	$result = mysql_query($query)
		or die ("Couldn't execute query");

while 	($row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC))

/* query 2 from job */
	$query = "SELECT * FROM job
				WHERE companyId='{$row['companyId']}'";
  	$result2 = mysql_query($query)
		or die ("Couldn't execute query2");
		$url = mysql_query($result2);
		foreach($row as $url)

			$row = mysql_fetch_array($result2,MYSQL_ASSOC);
			if ("url={$row['url']}")
echo "<span class='navText'><a href={$row['url']}>{$row['url']}</ a></span>\n";
echo "<br>";


<!-- ************************* end info/box 4  -->	
	  	<td width="213" height="289">


On Nov 1, 2006, at 2:10 AM, Frank Arensmeier wrote:

Please send a CC of your answer to the PHP list as well...


Vidarebefordrat brev:

Från: "Toby Osbourn" <toby.osbourn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Datum: onsdag 1 nov 2006 10.57.17 GMT+01:00
Till: "Frank Arensmeier" <frank.arensmeier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Ämne: Re:  why so slow?

Yeah it will be that hit counter or whatever it is you are trying to load - I had one myself that used JS and was hosted on another website and held up the page it was on by a good 3-4 seconds, and that was on a good day.

On 01/11/06, Frank Arensmeier <frank.arensmeier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Maybe it's the 18 k of JavaScript from Google that slows your page
down? Why not load this script locally from your server?


1 nov 2006 kl. 10.26 skrev Mel:

> So do you mean that's it is ok and not slow?
> On Nov 1, 2006, at 1:09 AM, Robert Cummings wrote:
>> On Wed, 2006-11-01 at 00:55 -0800, Mel wrote:
>>> Could you think of why my site loads so slowly?
>> That's a bit like asking us to read your mind. We'd only be guessing >> since we can't see your code and you haven't told us what your site
>> does.
>> What I can say is that it's probably not reverse DNS since my
>> first page
>> load was about 8 seconds, my second was about .5 seconds, and my
>> third
>> was about 6 seconds.
>> Cheers,
>> Rob.
>> --
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