Dotan Cohen wrote: > Er, so how would it be done? I've been trying for two days now with no > success. Ok, I guess my original reply didn't get through, or you ignored it. Here it is again for your convenience. Dotan Cohen wrote: > > $searchQuery=str_replace( "^".$noiseArray."$", " ", $searchQuery); Ok, this is what the compiler will see... $searchQuery=str_replace("^Array$", " ", $searchQuery); Yes, that's a literal Array in the string. You cannot, and you should remember this, you cannot concatenate strings and arrays. What would you expect it to do? Now, the answer is this... $searchQuery = str_replace($noiseArray, ' ', $searchQuery); However, what you seem to be doing is putting regex syntax where it would have no effect even if $noiseArray was not an array. If your intention is to replace the words rather than just the strings then you need to look at preg_replace ( and you'll need to decorate the strings in $noiseArray with the appropriate characters to make them the search pattern you need - full details on the preg_replace manual page. -Stut (painfully sober now :( ) -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: