You get that because your input is not a unix timestamp, it's a RFC 3339
formatted date-/timestamp. You first need to convert it (using ie.
strtotime, or explode() and feeding it to mktime()) to a unix timestamp
before you can feed the unix timestamp to the date() function.
Unix timestamps are integers. When feeding it into date() the STRING
(because '2006-11-11 01:02:03' is a STRING) will be converted to an
integer (value of 0) and interpreted as being a "valid" unix timestamp
(namely, 0). Unix Timestamp = 0 is January 1st, 1970. The start of the
UNIX epoch.
- tul
Alain Roger wrote:
Sorry to tell you that but that's why i ask here this question, because i
get everytime 01.01.1970..
RTFM i did !
On 11/11/06, M.Sokolewicz <tularis@xxxxxxx> wrote:
well, I could say RTFM, but I'll help you this time with a few links:
1. date()
2. strtotime()
- tul
Alain Roger wrote:
> Hi,
> in my database PosgreSQL i have stored some date in the following
> this is a real TimeStamp without time zone field format.
> Under PHP i would like to display this field as text with the following
> format "DD.MM.YYYY"
> How can i do that ?
> i was thinking to do :
> $date_from_pgsql;
> echo date("d.m.Y",$date_from_pgsql);
> but in this case it displays 01.01.1970 :-(
> any idea ?
> thanks.
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