Hi All,
Thanks a lot for your numerous answers.
I've learned a lot from all your suggestions.
Actually, combining all your answers, I'll come up with a solution.
To be more explicit on what I want to do, I want in fact to start a
script, I want that script to
display a page, and then, I want that script not to stop, but I want to
be able to access that script
back using AJAX calls from the web page. So my script is opening a
network connection after having displayed the
web page and is waiting for incoming calls. Although no solution given
here is fully satisfying (because I don't want
to launch antother script, I want to remain in the same) I still can
find a way to close my connection to the browser (using
a header specifying the connection length) and then go back to my script
using AJAX.
Thanks a lot for the time you took to propose solutions.
Best regards,
Eric Butera a écrit :
On 11/1/06, David Négrier <d.negrier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello there,
I'm having a somewhat unusual question here, and I cannot find any way
to solve it.
I have a PHP page that displays a message, and then, performs a very
long operation. Note that it displays the message first.
I do not intend to give some feedback to the user when the operation is
I've seen I can use ignore_user_abort() to prevent the user from
stopping the ongoing operation, but that solves only part of my problem.
Because as long as the page is not fully loaded, the mouse cursor in the
user's browser is showing a watch.
So ideally, what I would like is to be able to close the connection from
the server-side, but without using the exit() function, so my script
keeps running afterwards.
I know I could use a system() call to launch another process to do the
processing, but I would like to avoid doing that, because there are many
variables in the context that I cannot easily pass in parameter.
I also tried to use the register_shutdown_function() to perform my
operation after the page is displayed but since PHP 4.1.0, the
connection is closed after the function is called....
Would any of you have an idea on how I could close that connection?
Thanks a lot,
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If you haven't gone with any of the listed methods yet you could use
fsockopen with a timeout value to accomplish your goal.
$fp = fsockopen("localhost", 80);
fwrite($fp, "GET /long_processing_script.php HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
stream_set_timeout($fp, 1);
echo "done!";
// do stuff here
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