I've just upgraded to Fedora Core 6 and my personal site broke. Along
with the upgrade came PHP 5.1.6 and SQLite 3.3.6. After the upgrade any
SELECT returns all its values with the last character missing.
I've filed a bug at pecl.php.net
(http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=9191), but it doesn't look as
though that's reviewed very often. I need help confirming that it is a
PDO or SQLite bug so that I can begin upgrading or downgrading to avoid it.
If you have matching versions of PHP and/or SQLite, can you try out the
test script below and see if it's broken in the same way?
Rick Fletcher
Reproduce code:
$dbh = new PDO( 'sqlite::memory:' );
$dbh->query( 'CREATE TABLE "things" ( name VARCHAR NOT NULL )');
$dbh->query( 'INSERT INTO things VALUES ( "thing one" )');
foreach( $dbh->query( 'SELECT * FROM things' ) as $row ) {
print_r( $row );
$dbh = null;
Expected result:
[name] => thing one
[0] => thing one
Actual result:
[name] => thing on
[0] => thing on
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