Hello, everybody, I read about the staff log-in interestingly. > I need a little php script. Staff log in by entering username and password > and then the next time they enter their username and password they log out. > The script has to take down the time they log in and log out. Then I should > be able to read old log-ins and log-outs. > > I unfortunately can't make it myself because I don't have the knowledge, can > anyone of you do this for me? It's for a small non-profit orginisation. If you want to learn about the security risk of "log-in&out-system" quickly,you need to download a lot of free and non-free(the latter is better)programs and to verify which part of the program was upgraded (eg:v0.9 => v1.00 => v1.03)by the author of the program. I am trying to keep the security of my poor php-login&out system by setting properly my apache and my LAN and my kernel.It is impossible to keep my log-in&out-program and my members information safely only by the PHP program I wrote.If you want to keep your log-in&out-program and your member information safely only by PHP program you wrote (eg:you are going to provide your login&out-system for your members on a rental-www-server), you need to get the programming-ability of "the developer level of PHP". You can verify on the amazon book-store if there is a book which gathered the fragilitas of the log-in system ( whether or not it is written in PHP ) . The book about the fragilitas of the log-in&out system ( whether or not it is written in PHP ) doesn't exist in Japan(yet). Madoca -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php