Linux Speakup
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- UPS backup musings
- From: covici at
- UPS backup musings
- /etc/network/interfaces
- OT - IMAP mail server with trash folder?
- /etc/network/interfaces
- /etc/network/interfaces
- /etc/network/interfaces
- SV: Installing speak up on Ubuntu server
- Installing speak up on Ubuntu server
- OT - IMAP mail server with trash folder?
- Installing speak up on Ubuntu server
- Does anyone know how to make a google voice call from the command line?
- restoring alsa defaults
- restoring alsa defaults
- restoring alsa defaults
- restoring alsa defaults
- restoring alsa defaults
- Keymap tutorial
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- Keymap tutorial
- Archive availability
- SpeakUp running in Arch on the Raspberry Pi!
- aptitude remove pulseaudio
- aptitude remove pulseaudio
- Now I can't Keep Pulseaudio From Taking over Everything!
- Now I can't Keep Pulseaudio From Taking over Everything!
- Extended ASCII Characters
- Extended ASCII Characters
- wb web browser
- wb web browser
- From: covici at
- does anyone have a recent copy of the synths-documentation directory from the speakup ftp site?
- wb web browser
- wb web browser
- somewhat OT, talkingArch and serial to USB adaptors
- wb web browser
- wb web browser
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- wb web browser
- Latest Chapter in the Quest for Orca
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- no speech in talkingArch cd
- does anyone have a recent copy of the synths-documentation directory from the speakup ftp site?
- no speech in talkingArch cd
- Latest Chapter in the Quest for Orca
- no speech in talkingArch cd
- does anyone have a recent copy of the synths-documentation directory from the speakup ftp site?
- no speech in talkingArch cd
- no speech in talkingArch cd
- no speech in talkingArch cd
- Latest Chapter in the Quest for Orca
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- Latest Chapter in the Quest for Orca
- Latest Chapter in the Quest for Orca
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- Latest Chapter in the Quest for Orca
- Latest Chapter in the Quest for Orca
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- SpeakUp and the Raspberry Pi...more
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- capslock key
- Hardware synths, specifying port
- Hardware synths, specifying port
- Speakup Kernel and Orca Getting Colder.
- SpeakUp and the Raspberry Pi...more
- Hardware synths, specifying port
- SpeakUp and the Raspberry Pi...more
- Speakup Kernel and Orca Getting Colder.
- Speakup Kernel and Orca Getting Colder.
- Hardware synths, specifying port
- SpeakUp and the Raspberry Pi...more
- Speakup Kernel and Orca Getting Colder.
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- SpeakUp and the Raspberry Pi...more
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- Speakup Kernel and Orca Getting Colder.
- SpeakUp and the Raspberry Pi...more
- SpeakUp and the Raspberry Pi...more
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- SpeakUp and the Raspberry Pi...more
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Still no serial speech with 32-bit Wheezy
- Still no serial speech with 32-bit Wheezy
- Speakup Kernel and Orca Getting Colder.
- Speakup Kernel and Orca Getting Colder.
- Speakup Kernel and Orca Getting Colder.
- Speakup Kernel and Orca Getting Colder.
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- Still no serial speech with 32-bit Wheezy
- From: covici at
- Still no serial speech with 32-bit Wheezy
- From: acollins at
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Still no serial speech with 32-bit Wheezy
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Still no serial speech with 32-bit Wheezy
- From: covici at
- Still no serial speech with 32-bit Wheezy
- Still no serial speech with 32-bit Wheezy
- From: acollins at
- Still no serial speech with 32-bit Wheezy
- From: acollins at
- Still no serial speech with 32-bit Wheezy
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- capslock key
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- SpeakUp in Raspberry Pi
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- capslock key
- capslock key
- capslock key
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- numlock control
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Speakup Kernel and Orca
- Speakup Kernel and Orca
- Speakup Kernel and Orca
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- Accessible image backup and restore program?
- Speakup Kernel and Orca
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- CfP - Health & Accessibility topic of LSM 2013
- Redirecting speakup output
- Is speechd-up broken in debian 7 or do I need to do something not obvious
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- Is speechd-up broken in debian 7 or do I need to do something not obvious
- Is speechd-up broken in debian 7 or do I need to do something not obvious
- Is speechd-up broken in debian 7 or do I need to do something not obvious
- Is speechd-up broken in debian 7 or do I need to do something not obvious
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- Is speechd-up broken in debian 7 or do I need to do something not obvious
- fedora and speakup
- Source
- fedora and speakup
- Speakup Dies when I Sleep my Laptop!
- fedora and speakup
- Speakup Dies when I Sleep my Laptop!
- Speakup Dies when I Sleep my Laptop!
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Serial ports with 32-bit vs. 64-bit processors
- Speakup Dies when I Sleep my Laptop!
- Speakup Dies when I Sleep my Laptop!
- Serial ports with 32-bit vs. 64-bit processors
- Onboard serial ports
- DecTalk power supply
- DecTalk power supply
- Serial ports with 32-bit vs. 64-bit processors
- Onboard serial ports
- Serial ports with 32-bit vs. 64-bit processors
- Serial ports with 32-bit vs. 64-bit processors
- From: covici at
- Onboard serial ports
- Serial ports with 32-bit vs. 64-bit processors
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Serial ports with 32-bit vs. 64-bit processors
- Onboard serial ports
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Serial ports with 32-bit vs. 64-bit processors
- getting started with orca
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- getting started with orca
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- From: covici at
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Debian 7 speak up and gnome clashing
- getting started with orca
- getting started with orca
- getting started with orca
- getting started with orca
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- espeak_data
- Debian Squeeze CDs
- espeak_data
- espeak_data
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- espeak_data
- espeak_data
- espeak_data
- espeak_data
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- From: covici at
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Debian Rescue CD
- Debian Rescue CD
- Debian Rescue CD
- Debian Squeeze CDs
- Debian 7 speak up and gnome clashing
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Debian Rescue CD
- Debian Rescue CD
- Debian Rescue CD
- Debian Rescue CD
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Debian 7 speak up and gnome clashing
- Debian Rescue CD
- Debian 7 speak up and gnome clashing
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- Debian Rescue CD
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Debian Rescue CD
- Debian Rescue CD
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- From: covici at
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- Debian 7 speak up and gnome clashing
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- From: covici at
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- Truly serious security issue - Internet Census 2012
- Slack 13.37 and 14.0
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- database software
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- database software
- database software
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- Talking GDM [Was: Voxin was: Switching to Linux]
- database software
- database software
- database software
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- AVG, was: Re: Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- AVG, was: Re: Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- yasr and screen
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Redirecting speakup output
- Redirecting speakup output
- Redirecting speakup output
- ArchLinux: Wrong keyboard and admin applications
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Redirecting speakup output
- Redirecting speakup output
- Redirecting speakup output
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Redirecting speakup output
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Redirecting speakup output
- Redirecting speakup output
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- yasr and screen
- FreeTTS
- FreeTTS
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Fwd: Re: speakup issues
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- OpenMary tts
- OpenMary tts
- yasr and screen
- yasr and screen
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Speakup Issues
- OpenMary tts
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- OpenMary tts
- the direction of speakup
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- the direction of speakup
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- future directions
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- future directions
- Speakup Issues
- Now I can't Keep Pulseaudio From Taking over Everything!
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Fwd: Re: speakup issues
- From: covici at
- Windows bashing was: Re: Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Switching to Linux
- Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- Source
- Source
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- the direction of speakup
- Source
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- the direction of speakup
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Fwd: Re: speakup issues
- Fwd: Re: speakup issues
- Fwd: Re: speakup issues
- feedback from the kernel developers
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- Switching to Linux
- Voxin was: Re: Switching to Linux
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- Switching to Linux
- Switching to Linux
- Switching to Linux
- Switching to Linux
- the direction of speakup
- Switching to Linux
- Switching to Linux
- Switching to Linux
- Switching to Linux
- Switching to Linux
- Switching to Linux
- Source
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- the direction of speakup
- From: acollins at
- the direction of speakup
- From: covici at
- the direction of speakup
- Switching to Linux
- BBC interview
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- From: acollins at
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- From: covici at
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- Source
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- From: acollins at
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- From: covici at
- the direction of speakup
- From: covici at
- the direction of speakup
- Source
- the direction of speakup
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- the direction of speakup
- Source
- the direction of speakup
- Source
- the direction of speakup
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- From: covici at
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- The DOS Memories Project, 1980-2003
- Intro
- Intro
- Intro
- Intro
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- Intro
- Intro
- From: acollins at
- Intro
- the direction of speakup
- From: Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- From: covici at
- instructions for installing and using Skype from the console?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- the direction of speakup
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- the direction of speakup
- From: covici at
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- the direction of speakup
- From: acollins at
- the direction of speakup
- From: covici at
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- the direction of speakup
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- From: covici at
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- From: covici at
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- From: covici at
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- From: covici at
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- From: covici at
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- From: covici at
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- From: covici at
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- From: covici at
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- Any News on cut-and-paste bug?
- first attempt at a speakup-compatible yasr.conf
- speak up and fedora
- speak up and fedora
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- speak up and fedora
- No such device when echoing to speakup/synth
- looking for a speakup/speech dispatcher / orca expert
- looking for a speakup/speech dispatcher / orca expert
- looking for a speakup/speech dispatcher / orca expert
- looking for a speakup/speech dispatcher / orca expert
- From: covici at
- looking for a speakup/speech dispatcher / orca expert
- looking for a speakup/speech dispatcher / orca expert
- Redefining a character pronunciation
- Extended ASCII Characters
- Extended ASCII Characters
- The punc parameters
- Redefining a character pronunciation
- Redefining a character pronunciation
- Extended ASCII Characters
- Redefining a character pronunciation
- ubuntu 12.10 / 13.04 and speakup
- ubuntu 12.10 / 13.04 and speakup
- ubuntu 12.10 / 13.04 and speakup
- ubuntu 12.10 / 13.04 and speakup
- The punc parameters
- ubuntu 12.10 / 13.04 and speakup
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Extended ASCII Characters
- [no subject]
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Extended ASCII Characters
- possible Speech::Speakup Perl CPAN module
- Blind Worker Motivation
- Blind Worker Motivation
- One or Two Spaces after a Period; was: Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- possible Speech::Speakup Perl CPAN module
- [no subject]
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- [no subject]
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- One or Two Spaces after a Period; was: Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- One or Two Spaces after a Period; was: Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- No subject
- From: acollins at
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- [PATCH v3 2/2] staging: speakup: fix a bug when translate octal numbers
- [PATCH v3 1/2] staging: speakup: reuse native hex2bin()
- [PATCH v2 3/4] staging: speakup: reuse native hex2bin()
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- From: acollins at
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- From: acollins at
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- From: acollins at
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- From: acollins at
- possible Speech::Speakup Perl CPAN module
- Dumb post to the Stargardts Facebook group
- Screen help
- can't get to the mailing list archives
- can't get to the mailing list archives
- Screen help
- can't get to the mailing list archives
- Screen help
- Screen help
- Screen help
- Screen help
- Screen help
- Screen help
- Screen help
- Screen help
- Extended ASCII Characters
- Speakup Issues
- Extended ASCII Characters
- Extended ASCII Characters
- Debian wheezy taling installer?
- Debian wheezy taling installer?
- Debian wheezy taling installer?
- Speakup Issues
- Screen help
- Screen help
- Screen help
- Screen help
- Debian wheezy taling installer?
- Debian wheezy taling installer?
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- speak up and fedora
- Speakup Issues
- Speakup Issues
- Debian wheezy taling installer?
- Speakup Issues
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Debian wheezy taling installer?
- Goofy Characters
- Speakup Issues
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Speakup Issues
- Speakup Issues
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Speakup Issues
- Speakup Issues
- Now I can't Keep Pulseaudio From Taking over Everything!
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Goofy Characters
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- [PATCH v2 4/4] staging: speakup: fix a bug when translate octal numbers
- Red Hat Enterprise 6.2
- [PATCH v2 3/4] staging: speakup: reuse native hex2bin()
- [PATCH v2 2/4] staging: speakup: use native error codes
- Now I can't Keep Pulseaudio From Taking over Everything!
- Now I can't Keep Pulseaudio From Taking over Everything!
- Speakup on FreeBSD - Fwd: [FreeBSD-Announce] FreeBSD Foundation Soliciting the Submission of Project Proposals
- Now I can't Keep Pulseaudio From Taking over Everything!
- [PATCH 2/3] staging: speakup: use native error codes
- [PATCH 3/3] staging: speakup: reuse native hex2bin()
- [PATCH 1/3] staging: speakup: reuse native kernel functions
- Getting ALSA and Pulse to Play Nice
- Suitable mobile device for Linux
- Suitable mobile device for Linux
- Suitable mobile device for Linux
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Suitable mobile device for Linux
- Suitable mobile device for Linux
- Suitable mobile device for Linux
- Suitable mobile device for Linux
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Suitable mobile device for Linux
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Speakup not in Ubuntu 13.04
- Speakup not in Ubuntu 13.04
- speakup in raspberry pi modules
- gentoo problems
- speakup in raspberry pi modules
- speakup in raspberry pi modules
- speakup in raspberry pi modules
- speakup in raspberry pi modules
- Has anything Changed Recently in the Debian Speakup Kernel?
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- speakup in raspberry pi modules
- speakup in raspberry pi modules
- Raspberry Pie?
- last speekup users guide?
- From: acollins at
- last speekup users guide?
- Raspberry Pie?
- Has anything Changed Recently in the Debian Speakup Kernel?
- Has anything Changed Recently in the Debian Speakup Kernel?
- From: Martin G. McCormick
- talking arch md5sum
- talking arch md5sum
- CentOS and speakup
- CentOS and speakup
- CentOS and speakup
- CentOS and speakup
- CentOS and speakup
- CentOS and speakup
- Accessibility topic of LSM 2013
- accessible system rescue cd project
- archlinux and speakup
- accessible system rescue cd project
- accessible system rescue cd project
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- speakup and e-links, follow-up
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- speakup and e-links, follow-up
- speakup and e-links, follow-up
- speakup and e-links, follow-up
- speakup and e-links, follow-up
- speakup and e-links, follow-up
- speakup and e-links, follow-up
- speakup and e-links, follow-up
- creating a speakup cli cd
- speakup and e-links
- speakup and e-links
- creating a speakup cli cd
- From: covici at
- speakup and e-links
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
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