Hello list, I have now got SpeakUp running in Arch Linux on the Pi. A couple of days ago I did a kernel compile for Arch, including the SpeakUp modules and tried using it in the Emacspeak enabled Arch install we have on the Raspberry VI web site for download. The audio was totally screwed up and buzzy but it did not crash. So I went away and did some more reading about why my modules were never found when I just copied across the modules and not the full installation. I didn't know about depmod. Now I do, and now it works! This leads me to believe there must be something running on Raspbian (based on Debian Wheezy) that is causing SpeakUp to cause a kernel oops. Maybe a watchdog process or something. Anyway, we now have an Arch install which can run both Emacspeak and SpeakUp on the Raspberry Pi. A victory for accessibility. The fact that the Broadcom sound module is broken for tts means we have to keep the old one but as we don't want low-latency HDMI sound that is not a big issue. Mike -- Michael A. Ray Analyst/Programmer Witley, Surrey, South-east UK Interested in accessibility on the Raspberry Pi? Visit: http://www.raspberryvi.org/ From where you can join our mailing list for visually-impaired Pi hackers