Linux Speakup
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- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- Last Line is Jumbled?
- Last Line is Jumbled?
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- Last Line is Jumbled?
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- how do I unsubscribe from the speakup mailing list?
- creating a speakup cli cd
- From: Willem van der Walt
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- From: Willem van der Walt
- how do I unsubscribe from the speakup mailing list?
- how do I unsubscribe from the speakup mailing list?
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- creating a speakup cli cd
- speakup and e-links
- speakup and e-links
- speakup and e-links
- Debian AMD 64
- speakup and e-links
- Debian AMD 64
- speakup and e-links
- speakup and e-links
- speakup and e-links
- clive/cclive in squeeze
- Debian AMD 64
- Debian AMD 64
- Debian AMD 64
- Debian AMD 64
- Debian AMD 64
- learning emacs
- follow Up to Last Message
- Debian and ALSA/Pulseaudio
- learning emacs
- learning emacs
- latex:accessible math
- learning emacs
- learning emacs
- latex:accessible math
- latex:accessible math
- learning emacs
- learning emacs
- From: acollins at
- learning emacs
- learning emacs
- learning emacs
- latex:accessible math
- PS latex:accessible math
- latex:accessible math
- latex:accessible math
- latex:accessible math
- latex:accessible math
- latex:accessible math
- latex:accessible math
- latex:accessible math
- Raspberry PI case again
- Raspberry PI case again
- Raspberry PI case again
- Raspberry PI case again
- Raspberry PI case again
- Raspberry PI case
- Speakup on the raspberry pi?
- Speakup on the raspberry pi?
- talking archlinux questions
- talking archlinux questions
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- talking archlinux questions
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- Mailbox management
- talking archlinux questions
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- Mailbox management
- Mailbox management
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- talking archlinux questions
- Mailbox management
- Mailbox management
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- Mailbox management
- odd behavior?
- talking archlinux questions
- talking archlinux questions
- Mailbox management
- talking archlinux questions
- odd behavior?
- Mailbox management
- From: acollins at
- Mailbox management
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- looking for a "good" accessible linux distro
- CLI, accessing another drive
- [PATCH] drivers/staging/speakup: avoid out-of-range access
- CLI, accessing another drive
- CLI, accessing another drive
- CLI, accessing another drive
- Alpine remembering passwords
- Alpine remembering passwords
- Alpine remembering passwords
- Speakup on the raspberry pi?
- [PATCH] drivers/staging/speakup: avoid out-of-range access
- Alpine remembering passwords
- Alpine remembering passwords
- Speakup on the raspberry pi?
- Speakup on the raspberry pi?
- Speakup on the raspberry pi?
- debian keyboard problem
- Questions about new Linux setups
- Questions about new Linux setups
- 1 of 2 - Re: Hardware for new Linux installs?
- Questions about new Linux setups
- a 3.6 commit breaks serial synth indexing
- From: covici at
- a 3.6 commit breaks serial synth indexing
- a 3.6 commit breaks serial synth indexing
- From: covici at
- a 3.6 commit breaks serial synth indexing
- a 3.6 commit breaks serial synth indexing
- From: covici at
- a 3.6 commit breaks serial synth indexing
- a 3.6 commit breaks serial synth indexing
- From: covici at
- a 3.6 commit breaks serial synth indexing
- debian keyboard problem
- debian keyboard problem
- hardware or software synths
- hardware or software synths
- Installing wheezy netinst with speakup; has this changed recently?
- debian keyboard problem
- Pulseaudio
- hardware or software synths
- Installing wheezy netinst with speakup; has this changed recently?
- Installing wheezy netinst with speakup; has this changed recently?
- Installing wheezy netinst with speakup; has this changed recently?
- dynamic TTY allocation was: Re: Virtual consoles in Arch
- Happy holidays
- Virtual consoles in Arch
- hardware or software synths
- dynamic TTY allocation was: Re: Virtual consoles in Arch
- Installing wheezy netinst with speakup; has this changed recently?
- Installing wheezy netinst with speakup; has this changed recently?
- Installing wheezy netinst with speakup; has this changed recently?
- Installing wheezy netinst with speakup; has this changed recently?
- Installing wheezy netinst with speakup; has this changed recently?
- dynamic TTY allocation was: Re: Virtual consoles in Arch
- dynamic TTY allocation was: Re: Virtual consoles in Arch
- dynamic TTY allocation was: Re: Virtual consoles in Arch
- Virtual consoles in Arch
- Virtual consoles in Arch
- Virtual consoles in Arch
- From: acollins at
- Virtual consoles in Arch
- Virtual consoles in Arch
- From: acollins at
- Virtual consoles in Arch
- Virtual consoles in Arch
- Virtual consoles in Arch
- From: acollins at
- Virtual consoles in Arch
- Virtual consoles in Arch
- Virtual consoles in Arch
- hardware or software synths
- hardware or software synths
- Alpine with Gmail
- Alpine with Gmail
- Alpine with Gmail
- Alpine with Gmail
- Alpine with Gmail
- Alpine with Gmail
- Alpine with Gmail
- a 3.6 commit breaks serial synth indexing
- From: covici at
- Pulseaudio Update and Arch Linux
- Pulseaudio Update and Arch Linux
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- Gnome Taking Over Terminal
- Gnome Taking Over Terminal
- debian wheezy new install various
- debian wheezy new install various
- */speakup/ ?
- Slackware installer with software speech, yay or nay?
- */speakup/ ?
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- Raspberry Pi
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- From: acollins at
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- From: covici at
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- Are the days of hardware synths and speaking from boot numbered?
- experimental js and ajax capable text browser
- experimental js and ajax capable text browser
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- experimental js and ajax capable text browser
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- experimental js and ajax capable text browser
- experimental js and ajax capable text browser
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- ArchLinux tutorials, and the state of accessibility in linux
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- ArchLinux tutorials, and the state of accessibility in linux
- ArchLinux tutorials, and the state of accessibility in linux
- ArchLinux tutorials, and the state of accessibility in linux
- ArchLinux tutorials, and the state of accessibility in linux
- ArchLinux tutorials, and the state of accessibility in linux
- ArchLinux tutorials, and the state of accessibility in linux
- ArchLinux tutorials, and the state of accessibility in linux
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- ArchLinux tutorials, and the state of accessibility in linux
- ArchLinux tutorials, and the state of accessibility in linux
- ArchLinux tutorials, and the state of accessibility in linux
- Hardware for new Linux installs?
- Hardware for new Linux installs?
- Hardware for new Linux installs?
- Hardware for new Linux installs?
- list and site moved
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- coppying and pasting with linux
- No subject
- error 127 from make
- error 127 from make
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- speak up and fedora
- new TalkingArch released
- new TalkingArch released
- new TalkingArch released
- new TalkingArch released
- new TalkingArch released
- new TalkingArch released
- new TalkingArch released
- new TalkingArch released
- new TalkingArch released
- new TalkingArch released
- new TalkingArch released
- new TalkingArch released
- red hat
- red hat
- Can not clone from git
- red hat
- red hat
- red hat
- Can not clone from git
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- Can not clone from git
- Espeak and pulseaudio conflicts
- Espeak and pulseaudio conflicts
- Espeak and pulseaudio conflicts
- set -o vi Strangeness
- docx2txt convert docx files to text in console
- From: Willem van der Walt
- pulseaudio update consequences
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi / compiling speakup modules
- red hat
- Systemd Help in Arch Linux
- Systemd Help in Arch Linux
- Systemd Help in Arch Linux
- note to the TalkingArch users
- note to the TalkingArch users
- AA Couple of Questions
- AA Couple of Questions
- AA Couple of Questions
- AA Couple of Questions
- Bad review keys behavior in words with accented characters
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Speakup for Oracle Enterprise Linux
- Speakup for Oracle Enterprise Linux
- Speakup for Oracle Enterprise Linux
- Speakup for Oracle Enterprise Linux
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Speakup for Oracle Enterprise Linux
- Speakup for Oracle Enterprise Linux
- note to the TalkingArch users
- note to the TalkingArch users
- note to the TalkingArch users
- note to the TalkingArch users
- note to the TalkingArch users
- note to the TalkingArch users
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- espeak
- arch 3.6.2 kernel
- arch 3.6.2 kernel
- arch installation
- arch 3.6.2 kernel
- Fwd: arch 3.6.2 kernel
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- arch installation
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- speakup on the Raspberry Pi
- arch 3.6.2 kernel
- arch 3.6.2 kernel
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- From: covici at
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- Cannot get espeakup to start during boot in ArchLinux
- Cannot get espeakup to start during boot in ArchLinux
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- TalkingArch image on a USB stick doesn't boot
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- TalkingArch image on a USB stick doesn't boot
- TalkingArch image on a USB stick doesn't boot
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- what is the best text to speech voice software that works with Linux and linux based applications please?
- what is the best text to speech voice software that works with Linux and linux based applications please?
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- what is the best text to speech voice software that works with Linux and linux based applications please?
- From: acollins at
- what is the best text to speech voice software that works with Linux and linux based applications please?
- more hardware speech and a question
- more hardware speech and a question
- arch installation
- arch installation
- arch installation
- arch installation
- arch installation
- arch installation
- arch installation
- arch installation
- arch installation
- On Installing Archlinux now with the current TalkingArch
- On Installing Archlinux now with the current TalkingArch
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- hardware speech
- hardware speech
- From: covici at
- hardware speech
- hardware speech
- hardware speech
- hardware speech
- WTF with Wodim - CD Burning?
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- WTF with Wodim - CD Burning?
- neat little emacs trick
- neat little emacs trick
- neat little emacs trick
- neat little emacs trick
- Pass \n to espeak
- Pass \n to espeak
- Pass \n to espeak
- talking arch installation
- Johns Patches?
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Johns Patches?
- Johns Patches?
- Johns Patches?
- Johns Patches?
- Johns Patches?
- Johns Patches?
- Johns Patches?
- Speechd-up experimental replacement
- Speechd-up experimental replacement
- Speechd-up experimental replacement
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Speechd-up experimental replacement
- anything that converts txt to pdf?
- speech-dispatcher problem
- From: covici at
- speech-dispatcher problem
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- speech-dispatcher problem
- speech-dispatcher problem
- speech-dispatcher problem
- speech-dispatcher problem
- From: covici at
- speakup todo?
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- speakup todo?
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- speakup todo?
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- speakup todo?
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Speakup history lesson, was Re: speakup todo?
- anything that converts txt to pdf?
- anything that converts txt to pdf?
- anything that converts txt to pdf?
- speech-dispatcher problem
- speech-dispatcher problem
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Speakup history lesson, was Re: speakup todo?
- Speakup history lesson, was Re: speakup todo?
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- Speakup history lesson, was Re: speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- talking arch 7/2012 version question
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- speakup todo?
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- speakup todo?
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- speakup todo?
- Numeric keypad doesn't work in Speakup under Gentoo kernel 3.4.9
- speech-dispatcher problem
- speakup todo?
- Numeric keypad doesn't work in Speakup under Gentoo kernel 3.4.9
- From: Brandon McGinty-Carroll
- speakup todo?
- Pass \n to espeak
- espeak package fragile in latest talking arch
- solution was Re: speakup and audio with alsa also bitlbee and irssi
- speakup and audio with alsa also bitlbee and irssi
- speakup and audio with alsa also bitlbee and irssi
- pastebinit: useful cli tool
- speakup and audio with alsa also bitlbee and irssi
- From: covici at
- speakup and audio with alsa also bitlbee and irssi
- speakup and audio with alsa also bitlbee and irssi
- From: covici at
- speakup and audio with alsa also bitlbee and irssi
- speakup and audio with alsa also bitlbee and irssi
- From: covici at
- speakup and audio with alsa also bitlbee and irssi
- Numeric keypad doesn't work in Speakup under Gentoo kernel 3.4.9
- testing installation
- building speakup with lfs
- testing installation
- testing installation
- weird compilation error?
- weird compilation error?
- weird compilation error?
- weird compilation error?
- Virtualbox and Windows
- Virtualbox and Windows
- Virtualbox and Windows
- Virtualbox and Windows
- Virtualbox and Windows
- Virtualbox and Windows
- experimental js and ajax capable text browser
- From: covici at
- experimental js and ajax capable text browser
- Virtualbox and Windows
- Virtualbox and Windows
- Virtualbox and Windows
- Virtualbox and Windows
- experimental js and ajax capable text browser
- From: covici at
- experimental js and ajax capable text browser
- experimental js and ajax capable text browser
- Virtualbox and Windows
- Virtualbox and Windows
- experimental js and ajax capable text browser
- Virtualbox and Windows
- Virtualbox and Windows
- Virtualbox and Windows
- Virtualbox and Windows
- Major Bonehead move:
- Maybe off topic: ArchLinux from Scratch to a desktop
- Maybe off topic: ArchLinux from Scratch to a desktop
- From: Cleverson Casarin Uliana
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- speakup on pseudo terminal?
- speakup on pseudo terminal?
- speakup on pseudo terminal?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- speakup on pseudo terminal?
- speakup on pseudo terminal?
- Major Bonehead move:
- Major Bonehead move:
- Major Bonehead move:
- Major Bonehead move:
- Major Bonehead move:
- From: acollins at
- Major Bonehead move:
- From: covici at
- Major Bonehead move:
- Major Bonehead move:
- debian orca install question
- [PATCH,STAGING] speakup: lower default software speech rate
- Virtualization and Speakup
- Virtualization and Speakup
- Virtualization and Speakup
- Virtualization and Speakup
- Virtualization and Speakup
- Virtualization and Speakup
- Virtualization and Speakup
- Virtualization and Speakup
- Virtualization and Speakup
- From: Øyvind Lode - Forums
- calling lvm experts
- changing speakup speed in console revisited
- changing speakup speed in console revisited
- changing speakup speed in console revisited
- changing speakup speed in console revisited
- problem with brltty on arch linux
- Help converting pdf to text
- converting latex to pdf/html
- Brltty and Arch: My Problem is solved but Arch's is not!
- Brltty and Arch: My Problem is solved but Arch's is not!
- Brltty and Arch: My Problem is solved but Arch's is not!
- Brltty and Arch: My Problem is solved but Arch's is not!
- problem with brltty on arch linux
- problem with brltty on arch linux
- converting latex to pdf/html
- converting latex to pdf/html
- converting latex to pdf/html
- converting latex to pdf/html
- converting latex to pdf/html
- converting latex to pdf/html
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- debian orca install question
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- talking archlinux
- talking archlinux install off topic
- talking archlinux
- talking archlinux install
- talking archlinux install
- talking arch disk footprint
- talking arch disk footprint
- talking arch disk footprint
- Goddamnit. How many fuggin times do I have to unsubscribe to this fuggin list!
- Goddamnit. How many fuggin times do I have to unsubscribe to this fuggin list!
- Goddamnit. How many fuggin times do I have to unsubscribe to this fuggin list!
- espeak speed
- espeak speed
- Help with Speakup and Linux?
- Help with Speakup and Linux?
- hardware or software synths
- hardware or software synths
- Unsubscribe
- Unsubscribe
- espeakup Shouldn't Presume Pulseaudio
- hardware or software synths
- hardware or software synths
- hardware or software synths
- new TalkingArch (modified Arch Linux install media) now available
- new TalkingArch (modified Arch Linux install media) now available
- new TalkingArch (modified Arch Linux install media) now available
- espeakup Shouldn't Presume Pulseaudio
- Lowering default espeakup speed?
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- new TalkingArch (modified Arch Linux install media) now available
- espeakup Shouldn't Presume Pulseaudio
- From: Willem van der Walt
- espeakup Shouldn't Presume Pulseaudio
- espeakup Shouldn't Presume Pulseaudio
- From: Willem van der Walt
- hardware or software synths
- hardware or software synths
- Lowering default espeakup speed?
- Lowering default espeakup speed?
- Lowering default espeakup speed?
- Lowering default espeakup speed?
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- Lowering default espeakup speed?
- espeakup Shouldn't Presume Pulseaudio
- Lowering default espeakup speed?
- Lowering default espeakup speed?
- Lowering default espeakup speed?
- Lowering default espeakup speed?
- hardware or software synths
- hardware or software synths
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