The base Arch system now uses systemd by default, but the version of espeakup in community doesn't yet have a working systemd unit file. I have sent a working unit file to the devs, and it should be released to the repos shortly. Until then, save the unit file I'm attaching here to /etc/systemd/system/ You will also need to be sure that speakup and speakup_soft are loaded automatically at boot time. To do this, create a file called /etc/modules-load.d/speakup.conf and include the following lines speakup speakup_soft Note that you may reboot the Talking Arch installer, mount the new installation and run arch-chroot to do all this with speech feedback. The next time you boot the new system, it should start speaking automatically. Hope this helps. ~Kyle -------------- next part -------------- [Unit] Description=Software speech output for Speakup using eSpeak [Service] Type=forking PIDFile=/var/run/ ExecStart=/usr/bin/espeakup ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID Restart=always [Install]