The latest info I heard is that the 3.6 tree is getting the patches. I really do hope this is fixed sooner rather than later, but we have several iterations of 3.5 kernels to get through before 3.6 is deemed stable enough to release and then even more before it makes it into official distros. This last part usually only takes a week or two in Arch, including the signoff process, but it still could be at least a month before the 3.6 kernel becomes the default in any distro. For now, I still use the LTS kernel, which is 3.0.41-1. I do keep the most recent kernel as well, and I test for the Speakup issue on most updates. Additionally, my main computer should be back up and running within the next two weeks, so I will be able to play with newer kernels on virtual machines rather than needing to continue wearing out my thumb drive. <grin> so I should be able to report to the list when it's fixed. ~Kyle