processing are missing like changing fonts, underlining, and placement of text. these are all available in Emacs. Emacs, *is* a text editor, but because of that it is fertile ground for any number of mark-up codes, mark-up codes that will, unlike a WYSIWYG editor, give you total and complete control over the text you are editing. Emacs, unlike MSWord, makes the user tell it what to do, exactly what to do. If the mark-up tags aren't in the text, your commands aren't there, and aren't being acted upon. This is a truly excellent word processing technique for a blind person because if you use one of the markup languages, TROF or Grof Or LaTeX, or real HTML (not the trash that Billy-Boy thinks is HTML), you can actually tell by looking at the rough draft, just where those tags are, and just how much text will be underlined or bolded or whatever. No, if you simply dismiss Emacs as a "text editor", that's like under estimating a homosapian. Ann P. -- Ann K. Parsons email: akp at ICQ Number: 33006854 WEB SITE: "All that is gold does not glitter. Not all those who wander are lost." JRRT