configuration, except maybe for the already existent /proc/speakup interface. > Now, changes which would be useful and as you pointed out are already I will just say this about the changes you suggested as alternatives. I am predisposed to writing the config interface for a few reasons. One of which is that I have experience doing this, and have a fairly developed mental picture of how it should happen. Another is that it is a change that interests me, and that I think I can probably accomplish, whereas things such as attribute identification, cursor tracking, etc., are items for which I can not even begin to conceive a solution. > on the todo list is a mechanism to identify what program/application > is running on this console and load a configuration change if one is > available to modify speakup for this app. I don't really think it is and where would it get said configuration changes? Perhaps from a config file? <chuckle> > Looking back through this I'm not sure I actually answered your > question. You did ask my opinion and you definitely got that. > Anything you wish to do to help speakups development is appreciated. > The more needed the enhancements the more appreciation will be accrued. Yes, I believe so. I'm putting you in the "probably not worth it" column.:) I'll probably end up writing it anyway, or at least starting/trying, unless you flat out ask me to abandon this line of activity, in which case I most likely will, in favor of something else. However, I really do think there is long term value in this. Luke