Dear, after downloading the last TalkingArch from July, I have burnt it to my USB stick using the command: dd if=TalkingArch-2012.07.23-netinstall-dual.iso of=/dev/sdc When I try to boot inside it, it simply doesn't detect the stick as a bootable device and falls back to the hard drive. Likewise, I have used the Universal USB installer for Windows to create a bootable USB stick using syslinux plus the TalkingArch iso file, but when I'm going to boot, it displays a syslinux error like this: "Could not find kernel image: /arch/boot/syslinux/whichsys.c32", with a blinking cursor. I have downloaded the image a second time to confirm it was not corruppted, but results were the same. Has anyone succeeded to boot inside this image? Thank you, Cleverson