Well, we still have the serial bug, and I had numlock want to go on when switching windows, but that stopped happening after a while, I am not sure what caused that. Kyle <kyle4jesus at gmail.com> wrote: > I pulled down the 3.6.2 kernel I believe 2 days ago, and the crash > when pressing numeric keys is completely gone. Unless there is a minor > bug that hasn't yet popped up, it would seem our Speakup troubles are > indeed over. > ~Kyle > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at braille.uwo.ca > http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup -- Your life is like a penny. You're going to lose it. The question is: How do you spend it? John Covici covici at ccs.covici.com