Linux Speakup
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- hardware or software synths
- hardware or software synths
- hardware or software synths
- hardware or software synths
- hardware or software synths
- From: acollins at
- hardware or software synths
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- From: acollins at
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- Why do I have a dodgy file system?
- Why do I have a dodgy file system?
- From: D. Curtis Willoughby
- Why do I have a dodgy file system?
- Why do I have a dodgy file system?
- Why do I have a dodgy file system?
- Why do I have a dodgy file system?
- serial ports
- serial ports
- Patch for get_word (and more) - please look
- serial ports
- pulseaudio/espeakup
- Patch for get_word - please look
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- From: covici at
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- From: covici at
- serial ports
- From: D. Curtis Willoughby
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- serial ports
- Patch for get_word - please look
- espeakup/pulseaudio problem
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- espeakup/pulseaudio problem
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- the fedora 17 speakupmodified
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- Patch for get_word - please look
- collected Speakup-related patches
- collected Speakup-related patches
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- collected Speakup-related patches
- collected Speakup-related patches
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- From: covici at
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- Vinux burning problems
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- Vinux burning problems
- Vinux burning problems
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- Vinux burning problems
- Vinux burning problems
- voxin and speakup connector
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- contacting Vinux Project
- contacting Vinux Project
- contacting Vinux Project
- contacting Vinux Project
- contacting Vinux Project
- contacting Vinux Project
- contacting Vinux Project
- contacting Vinux Project
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- Vinux burning problems
- Raspberry PI Arrived
- Vinux burning problems
- Vinux burning problems
- Vinux burning problems
- Vinux burning problems
- Vinux burning problems
- Vinux burning problems
- Vinux burning problems
- AccessibleLinux Email list
- speakup - boot on squeeze
- speakup - boot on squeeze
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- When speakup uses indexes?
- Bug in get_word in main.c
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- Speakup broken with kernel 3.4.x (ArchLinux users please read)
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- Buggy speakup on Ubuntu 12.04?
- getting speakup running on Fedora 17 Beta
- technical diagram description system query
- hex editors
- hex editors
- hex editors
- hex editors
- x11 keyboard input from text console
- x11 keyboard input from text console
- x11 keyboard input from text console
- x11 keyboard input from text console
- [PATCH] staging: speakup: fixed checkpatch and sparse warnings in selection.c
- trying to find someone
- trying to find someone
- trying to find someone
- trying to find someone
- trying to find someone
- trying to find someone
- tutorial/tips:installing Emacspeak on Arch
- Ot: Mailman
- OT Mailman
- OT Mailman
- OT Mailman
- Any Survers Running Speakup?
- Any Survers Running Speakup?
- From: brandon.mcginty at
- yasr with speakup keystrokes ?
- yasr with speakup keystrokes ?
- installer update was.. three small installer questions?
- Any Survers Running Speakup?
- installer update was.. three small installer questions?
- installer update was.. three small installer questions?
- yasr with speakup keystrokes ?
- install update with questins was three small installer questions?
- installer update was.. three small installer questions?
- install update with questins was three small installer questions?
- install update with questins was three small installer questions?
- install update with questins was three small installer questions?
- install update with questins was three small installer questions?
- technical diagram description system query
- technical diagram description system query
- no more strict deadlines
- From: ryanhornibrook at
- Accessible Diagrams
- technical diagram description system query
- technical diagram description system query
- Accessible Diagrams
- A few questions regarding Speakup
- getting speakup running on Fedora 17 Beta
- technical diagram description system query
- OT, determining real amount of free RAM
- OT, determining real amount of free RAM
- OT, determining real amount of free RAM
- OT, determining real amount of free RAM
- Accessible Diagrams
- Accessible Diagrams
- Accessible Diagrams
- Accessible Diagrams
- Accessible Diagrams
- Accessible Diagrams
- Accessible Diagrams
- Accessible Diagrams
- three small installer questions?
- three small installer questions?
- three small installer questions?
- best cli web browser & email programs
- best cli web browser & email programs
- best cli web browser & email programs
- best cli web browser & email programs
- best cli web browser & email programs
- best cli web browser & email programs
- best cli web browser & email programs
- best cli web browser & email programs
- best cli web browser & email programs
- best cli web browser & email programs
- best cli web browser & email programs
- best cli web browser & email programs
- three small installer questions?
- three small installer questions?
- more than one sound card, and debian installer?
- more than one sound card, and debian installer?
- more than one sound card, and debian installer?
- more than one sound card, and debian installer?
- debian install question?
- debian install question?
- debian install question?
- debian install question?
- debian install question?
- debian install question?
- debian install question?
- debian install question?
- debian install question?
- Cavi's intro to Linux course free resources
- Cavi's intro to Linux course free resources
- Cavi's intro to Linux course free resources
- Cavi's intro to Linux course free resources
- using the s shortcut to bring up software speech in Wheezy
- using the s shortcut to bring up software speech in Wheezy
- using the s shortcut to bring up software speech in Wheezy
- From: Øyvind Lode - Forums
- using the s shortcut to bring up software speech in Wheezy
- From: Øyvind Lode - Forums
- using the s shortcut to bring up software speech in Wheezy
- From: Øyvind Lode - Forums
- using the s shortcut to bring up software speech in Wheezy
- using the s shortcut to bring up software speech in Wheezy
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- using the s shortcut to bring up software speech in Wheezy
- using the s shortcut to bring up software speech in Wheezy
- confirimg this? was Finding the Correct Debian Speakup Image
- Speakup and Orca working together in wheezy, revisited?
- confirimg this? was Finding the Correct Debian Speakup Image
- confirimg this? was Finding the Correct Debian Speakup Image
- Speakup and Orca working together in wheezy, revisited?
- Speakup and Orca working together in wheezy, revisited?
- Raspberry Pie
- Raspberry Pie
- Raspberry Pie
- Raspberry Pie
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- Wheezy with Speech Not Quite There Yet
- Wheezy with Speech Not Quite There Yet
- no subject
- no subject
- Wheezy with Speech Not Quite There Yet
- no subject
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- talking debian
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- Speakup and Vim
- From: D. Curtis Willoughby
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- Finding the Correct Debian Speakup Image
- Finding the Correct Debian Speakup Image
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- mixing media, was talking debian install.
- Speakup and Vim
- Speakup and Vim
- Speakup and Vim
- Free Linux course resources in a fashion
- ot, bash programming question
- new talking debian
- talking debian. (fwd)
- new talking debian
- Finding the Correct Debian Speakup Image
- new talking debian
- Finding the Correct Debian Speakup Image
- talking debian. (fwd)
- new talking debian
- images, was talking debian (fwd)
- talking debian. (fwd)
- talking debian. (fwd)
- talking debian. (fwd)
- talking debian. (fwd)
- talking debian. (fwd)
- new talking debian
- speakup and redhat enterprise linux 5 or 6
- speakup and redhat enterprise linux 5 or 6
- almost works.
- almost works.
- no subject
- no subject
- no subject
- new talking debian
- new talking debian
- almost works.
- new talking debian
- almost works.
- new talking debian
- new talking debian
- new talking debian
- talking debian cd-newer version?
- talking debian cd-newer version?
- talking debian cd-newer version?
- talking debian cd-newer version?
- talking archlinux post installation question
- Your shell script question answered
- re your shell script question answered
- From: D. Curtis Willoughby
- Your shell script question answered
- From: D. Curtis Willoughby
- ot, bash programming question
- ot, bash programming question
- almost works.
- ot, bash programming question
- ot, bash programming question
- ot, bash programming question
- ot, bash programming question
- almost works.
- espeak & the word "heim"
- espeak & the word "heim"
- serial synths and speakup
- speakup and hardware serial synths
- serial synths and speakup
- serial synths and speakup
- serial synths and speakup
- serial synths and speakup
- serial synths and speakup
- serial synths and speakup
- serial synths and speakup
- serial synths and speakup
- serial synths and speakup
- i18n question regarding rate, pitch, volume etc
- From: Willem van der Walt
- fwd: [VBox-users] FYI: RaspBerry Pi Virtualbox simulator appliance
- speakup and the backtrack 5 linux distro
- speakup and the backtrack 5 linux distro
- mail test, please ignore, don't respond
- From: acollins at
- speakup and the backtrack 5 linux distro
- patch for serial synths
- patch for serial synths
- From: covici at
- patch for serial synths
- Debian & serial fix
- Dectalk express
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- unix/linux training
- DOC/DOCS viewing and editing
- From: D. Curtis Willoughby
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- DOC/DOCS viewing and editing
- DOC/DOCS viewing and editing
- anyone want a dectalk express or an accent card?
- patch for serial synths
- Debian & serial fix
- patch for serial synths
- patch for serial synths
- patch for serial synths
- From: covici at
- patch for serial synths
- patch for serial synths
- speakup_dectlk broken on Linux kernel 2.6.38 and greater
- anyone want a dectalk express or an accent card?
- anyone want a dectalk express or an accent card?
- speakup_dectlk broken on Linux kernel 2.6.38 and greater
- latex
- unix/linux training
- From: D. Curtis Willoughby
- anyone want a dectalk express or an accent card?
- debian installer
- debian installer
- debian installer
- speakup_dectlk broken on Linux kernel 2.6.38 and greater
- anyone want a dectalk express or an accent card?
- anyone want a dectalk express or an accent card?
- CAVI Linux Course was Re: LaTeX and big writing projects
- CAVI Linux Course was Re: LaTeX and big writing projects
- CAVI Linux Course was Re: LaTeX and big writing projects
- CAVI Linux Course was Re: LaTeX and big writing projects
- Ubuntu server
- Ubuntu server
- CAVI Linux Course was Re: LaTeX and big writing projects
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- DOC/DOCS viewing and editing
- DOC/DOCS viewing and editing
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- latex
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- DOC/DOCS viewing and editing
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- DOC/DOCS viewing and editing
- LaTeX and big writing projects
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Health & Accessibility topic of LSM 2012
- status of serialio bug
- status of serialio bug
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- status of serialio bug
- Debian Squeeze and Speakup
- Debian Squeeze and Speakup
- Debian Squeeze and Speakup
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- Anyone thought about raspberry pie?
- out-of-band remote access
- out-of-band remote access
- out-of-band remote access
- OT: out-of-band remote access
- interesting slackware install!
- Backtrack accessible with speakup
- Backtrack accessible with speakup
- Speakup with linux backtrack
- Speakup with linux backtrack
- still more on bug
- still more on bug
- still more on bug
- still more on bug
- Building PC without any sight (wasRE: still more on bug)
- still more on bug
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- still more on bug
- New shopping,New life
- Building PC without any sight (wasRE: still more on bug)
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- still more on bug
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- still more on bug
- Building PC without any sight (wasRE: still more on bug)
- Building PC without any sight, thanks
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- Building PC without any sight (wasRE: still more on bug)
- Building PC without any sight (wasRE: still more on bug)
- Building PC without any sight (wasRE: still more on bug)
- Building PC without any sight (wasRE: still more on bug)
- Building PC without any sight (wasRE: still more on bug)
- Building PC without any sight (wasRE: still more on bug)
- Building PC without any sight (wasRE: still more on bug)
- Building PC without any sight (wasRE: still more on bug)
- still more on bug
- Building PC without any sight (wasRE: still more on bug)
- From: Albert Sten-Clanton
- still more on bug
- still more on bug
- still more on bug
- still more on bug
- still more on bug
- still more on bug
- Problem with polish characters
- speakup & slackware-13.37
- still more on bug
- still more on bug
- more on speakup bug
- more on speakup bug
- more on speakup bug
- speakup_ltlk bug
- speakup and slackware 13.37
- Installing orca and making it play nice with Speakup
- Installing orca and making it play nice with Speakup
- debugging speakup_ltlk module
- From: chris at
- Installing orca and making it play nice with Speakup
- Installing orca and making it play nice with Speakup
- Installing orca and making it play nice with Speakup
- Installing orca and making it play nice with Speakup
- Installing orca and making it play nice with Speakup
- debugging speakup_ltlk module
- Looking for good, cheap USB "sound card" for Linux
- From: Willem van der Walt
- OT, ip6tables rules for radvd
- OT, ip6tables rules for radvd
- OT, ip6tables rules for radvd
- OT, ip6tables rules for radvd
- OT, ip6tables rules for radvd
- From: chris at
- OT, ip6tables rules for radvd
- Vinux - getting back to Gnome
- Vinux - getting back to Gnome
- Vinux - getting back to Gnome
- Vinux - getting back to Gnome
- Vinux - getting back to Gnome
- OT, ip6tables rules for radvd
- Installing orca and making it play nice with Speakup
- help with shutting down
- help with shutting down
- help with shutting down
- help with shutting down
- help with shutting down
- help with shutting down
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- more on speakup_ltlk bug
- specifying serial port
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- Installing orca and making it play nice with Speakup
- Installing orca and making it play nice with Speakup
- Looking for good, cheap USB "sound card" for Linux
- Looking for good, cheap USB "sound card" for Linux
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- Looking for good, cheap USB "sound card" for Linux
- From: Willem van der Walt
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- From: acollins at
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- From: D. Curtis Willoughby
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- From: covici at
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- From: acollins at
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- From: D. Curtis Willoughby
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- From: acollins at
- Speakup and serial adapter cards
- Cut-and-Paste Still Crashing my System
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- speakup in proprietary systems?
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- speakup in proprietary systems?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- speakup in proprietary systems?
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- using dd tfor backups
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- using dd tfor backups
- using dd tfor backups
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- ubuntu 11.10 speakup and orca don't work together
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- General Linux questions
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- hardware synth, USB, and udev -- Dectalk
- General Linux questions
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- General Linux questions
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- Speakup enabled Distros for Blind Technicians
- General Linux questions
- dedicated servers?
- dedicated servers?
- of topic: zbarcam
- dectalk (was hardware synth and udev)
- dectalk (was hardware synth and udev)
- hardware synth, USB, and udev -- Dectalk
- hardware synth, USB, and udev -- Dectalk
- hardware synth, USB, and udev
- hardware synth, USB, and udev
- hardware synth, USB, and udev
- hardware synth, USB, and udev
- hardware synth, USB, and udev
- hardware synth, USB, and udev
- hardware synth, USB, and udev
- hardware synth, USB, and udev
- hardware synth, USB, and udev
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Is speakup no longer included in grml releases?
- Pa_OpenStream : err=-9999 (Unanticipated host error)
- Pa_OpenStream : err=-9999 (Unanticipated host error)
- Pa_OpenStream : err=-9999 (Unanticipated host error)
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- Latest "wheezy" ISO image (debian testing)
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- Latest "wheezy" ISO image (debian testing)
- Anyone able to OCR a PDF file?
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- Pa_OpenStream : err=-9999 (Unanticipated host error)
- Pa_OpenStream : err=-9999 (Unanticipated host error)
- Pa_OpenStream : err=-9999 (Unanticipated host error)
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- espeakup-squeeze-i386.iso
- Espeakup stops speaking with a segfault.
- Anyone able to OCR a PDF file?
- Anyone able to OCR a PDF file?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Anyone able to OCR a PDF file?
- Anyone able to OCR a PDF file?
- Anyone able to OCR a PDF file?
- Anyone able to OCR a PDF file?
- Speakup Debian-enabled iso images
- Speakup Debian-enabled iso images
- Speakup Debian-enabled iso images
- Speakup Debian-enabled iso images
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- A few questions regarding Speakup
- A few questions regarding Speakup
- From: chris at
- A few questions regarding Speakup
- A few questions regarding Speakup
- A few questions regarding Speakup
- A few questions regarding Speakup
- A few questions regarding Speakup
- Speakup Debian-enabled iso images
- testing grml
- Testing GRML
- testing grml
- Speakup Debian-enabled iso images
- brltty an usb-hub
- testing grml
- Speakup Debian-enabled iso images
- testing grml
- testing grml
- brltty an usb-hub
- From: acollins at
- testing grml
- testing grml
- A few questions regarding Speakup
- brltty an usb-hub
- A few questions regarding Speakup
- brltty an usb-hub
- From: acollins at
- brltty an usb-hub
- brltty an usb-hub
- From: acollins at
- brltty an usb-hub
- From: acollins at
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