OT, determining real amount of free RAM

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I am slightly confused by what you mean by "file cache."
The IO layer of the kernel can do some buffering, and your hd has cache 
on it, but as far as I'm aware there's not a "file cache."

On 5/2/2012 5:30 PM, Brian Buhrow wrote:
> 	hello.  Typically Linux and other Unix-like operating systems will use
> all the RAM they can get, either for programs or  file cache.  If any of
> your programs have a memory leak, they will consume more memory as time
> goes by and the machine stays up.  Even if that is not the case, which it
> shouldn't be, the system will slowly use more RAM as it increases the size
> of its file cache buffers.  My guess is that it is this file cache which is
> consuming all available RAM and causing such low free memory numbers the
> next day.  What will happen if you take out RAM is that the file cache will
> not be able to grow as large, and, potentially, you'll notice a performance
> hit if you try to do something file intensive, like grep through the entire
> Linux source tree.  Other than that, you should notice few changes between
> the amount of RAM you have and the lower amount.  Having said that, having
> more RAM is good and you shouldn't take it out unless its absolutely necessary.
> To get a better picture of how much memory is in use, as opposed to
> available, I suggest
> vmstat -s.  The relevant data is the amount of active memory.  Active
> memory is memory in use by the system, either processes or kernel, and is
> the actual amount of RAM you need to run the programs that are currently
> running.  If the amount of active memory is far lless than the total amount
> of physical RAM than you have, then you could, in theory, take out any RAM
> beyond that shown for active memory.  Again, I don't recommend it, but it
> does show you the minimum you could get away with.
> Below is sample output from vmstat -s on a system I have access to.
> Hope this helps.
> -Brian
>        1024496 K total memory
>         950180 K used memory
>         705936 K active memory
>          83760 K inactive memory
>          74316 K free memory
>         147132 K buffer memory
>          17964 K swap cache
>              0 K total swap
>              0 K used swap
>              0 K free swap
>      176575778 non-nice user cpu ticks
>         623698 nice user cpu ticks
>      231096515 system cpu ticks
>      472402143 idle cpu ticks
>       33304561 IO-wait cpu ticks
>             20 IRQ cpu ticks
>         773038 softirq cpu ticks
>              0 stolen cpu ticks
>     1843653079 pages paged in
>      612303167 pages paged out
>              0 pages swapped in
>              0 pages swapped out
>     2665784924 interrupts
>     3101884726 CPU context switches
>     1331423124 boot time
>        2564076 forks
> On May 2,  2:55pm, Gregory Nowak wrote:
> } Subject: OT, determining real amount of free RAM
> } Hash: SHA1
> }
> } Hi all,
> }
> } I've been wondering this for a while, and figured I'd ask here. How
> } does one determine the amount of free RAM on a gnu/linux system? If I
> } run "free -m" on one of my machines right after boot, I get something
> } like:
> }
> } total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> } Mem:          2957       2933         24          0         78
> } 1590
> } - -/+ buffers/cache:       1263       1694
> } Swap:          925          0        925
> }
> } Here's what I'm getting at. First, I know what runs on this box, and
> } this machine starts up with a limited amount of programs running, and
> } pretty much stays like that as long as it remains powered up (running
> } ps confirms this). What this machine starts with should take up about
> } 1480 megs of RAM according to my calculations. Ok, let's add 100 megs
> } extra for the system itself, and to make sure I've really accounted
> } for what runs on this box. That would come out to about 1580 megs of
> } RAM used, let's round up to 1600. I have also confirmed that if I
> } physically pull a gig of RAM out, the machine will still run
> } everything without heavy use of swap.
> }
> } Second, if the machine stays up for 24 hours or longer, the amount of
> } free RAM doesn't change much, but a few megs of swap is used. I assume
> } this is for processes which haven't been used in a while. So, why am I
> } seeing something around 20 megs free, instead of something around a
> } gig? To put it another way, if I wanted to run this machine with a
> } minimum amount of RAM how would I figure out how much I really need?
> } Thanks in advance.
> }
> } Greg
> }
> }
> } - --
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>> -- End of excerpt from Gregory Nowak
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