Hi All: Well, seeming a strange inquiree, I am going out-of-town with a windows laptop, however, its quite `frustrating telnetting or ssh to my shell-account, reading in windows. Because I have an authorized copy of JAWS, I cannot re-partission its hard-drive. So some1 in our LUG suggested Colinux. In addtion I am considering running GRML as a live-cd, but I don't know if I could get speech in a live version? So I got to wonder if I could run Speakup with good sounding Eliquence or DecTalk speech from a server, like the windows, screen-Access2Go? There look to be newer versions of both GRML and Colinux. Thanks in advance for any solutions, which maybe I could take a laptop to our LUG next Saturday-and-configure. Hart