Here's what I found out. The stuff on the slackware-13.37 dvd or disks must be installed on an x86 system an amd will not do. It's possible switching the disk from an x86 system into an amd may work, I don't know I haven't tried that yet. The installation dvd is missing some files the installer expects but not so many as will disable the installation. No way to log this yet, but that could change with the next version release. I was trying to install this on an amd system and according to amd propaganda, it should be possible to use x86 stuff and emulation in amd will still make that work. Not in this case though. Since I have both kinds of systems I tried both and found this out. I don't know that it's documented anywhere in slackware information yet. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Jude <jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net> <>