On Tue, 18 Sep 2012 11:54:19 +0100, Bohdan R. Rau wrote: > > I personally use it on my netbook (I'm sight Sorry - my webmail program unexpectedly sent this message... I'm sighted, but I have some problems with eyes so I often use Lynx and speakup for browsing Internet. So I often switch between Milena (for Polish) and Espeak (for English). If someone is interested - I can publish this version. For Polish users: I have working deb packages for Ubuntu 11.04, 11.10 and 12.04 specialized for Polish language (the installer automatically switches console into ISO-8859-2 encoding, generates ISO-8859-2 locale, switches pulseaudio into system mode and installs it's private keyboard for ISO-2). ethanak -- http://milena.polip.com/ - Pa pa, Ivonko!