Linux Speakup
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- grml keyboard help please...,
tony seth
- starting ttsynth on boot,
Don Raikes
- telnet install of speakupified warewolf,
Don Raikes
- dvd experiment failed,
Jude DaShiell
- fc7 archives will need to be kept open,
Jude DaShiell
- status of speakup and fc8,
Don Raikes
- speakup and software synthesizers,
Don Raikes
- Getting soundblaster Audigy to work properly with alsa,
Jerry Matheny
- Importing yum pgp key after Fedora 8 install,
Jerry Matheny
- Installing Fedora Core 8,
Jerry Matheny
- Anyone here use grml as a linux distro?,
Jerry Matheny
- Important RE Firefox 3 at the Speakup Modified,
Janina Sajka
- Obtaining Fedora Core,
Jerry Matheny
- Need help saving kernel after a make menuconfig,
Jerry Matheny
- getting any linux installed,
Jude DaShiell
- Wondering about possibly installing the new Debian 4.0 Speakup modified,
Jerry Matheny
- Problem downloading FC8 installation DVD image?,
Adrian Beech
- ftp site isn't working properly,
Jerry Matheny
- Need help installing any Linux distro,
Jerry Matheny
get-fed script,
Jude DaShiell
help with xfce please...,
tony seth
speech-dispatcher & oss?,
John Heim
KDE versus Gnome,
Could someone tell me the website where I can get fedora with speakup?,
Charlie Dorff
Announcing SpeakupModified Fedora Installation Media,
Janina Sajka
Emacs or Vim - how close to a word processor can it get?,
Georgina Joyce
Missing my PC speaker,
Garrett Klein
revised WR Wave Reader,
Chuck Hallenbeck
Could someone tell me the correct website of Speakup,
Charlie Dorff
jazz drive access,
Jude DaShiell
another audio toy -- more info,
Chuck Hallenbeck
jazip package problem,
Jude DaShiell
mandriva linux,
Ways of distributing Speakup Modified Fedora.,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
Just installed FC8,
another audio toy,
Chuck Hallenbeck
OT: Laptop recommendations?,
debian scsi card surprise,
Jude DaShiell
cursor questions and a reading question,
Daniel Dalton
selecting text in emacs,
Daniel Dalton
using apt-get,
Glenn Ervin
SSH and FC7,
Keith Hinton
Using YUM to Update Speakup,
William Rivera
CD-R or CD-RW?,
Keith Hinton
Fedora Speakup modified and SSH?,
Keith Hinton
braille note and speakup,
Daniel Dalton
Speakup Patch confusion,
Zachary Kline
sound device questions,
Daniel Dalton
speakup with espeak,
Daniel Dalton
Announcing SpeakupModified Fedora 8 Kernels & Firefox RPMS,
Janina Sajka
annoying message with wireless setup,
Cheryl Homiak
speakup languages,
Michał Zegan
speakup modified installation CD,
John Heim
OT Xandros & Gnome,
Glenn Ervin
Will Zipspeak work with Ubuntu?,
Charlie Dorff
What is the difference between Speakup and Zipspeak?,
Charlie Dorff
ubuntu install woes,
Jude DaShiell
Audio problems,
Michael Whapples
Further Ubuntu info,
Zachary Kline
Ubuntu Installation woes,
Zachary Kline
sox soxio: Failed reading `test1.wav': unknown file type `auto',
Gregory Nowak
New Member Questions,
VaShaun Jones
OT: finding F7 dependencies,
Albert E. Sten-Clanton
Disabling IPV6 In Fedora,
Daniel C
How do you install Speakup for Ubuntu?,
Charlie Dorff
Speakup in ubuntu 7.10,
Alastair Irving
serial console after using grml2hd,
reading the full screen,
Gregory Nowak
r2e (rss2email),
Cheryl Homiak
ldconfig problem,
Sergei V. Fleytin
recommending rss2email, it works great,
Chuck Hallenbeck
pine, exim and authentication: solved with postfix,
Cheryl Homiak
Kernel Upgrade Syndrome,
Zachary Kline
Update to alsa situation,
Zachary Kline
Alsa trouble with headphones,
Zachary Kline
Pine, exim, and authentication,
Cheryl Homiak
Pine questions,
Cheryl Homiak
speakup from git question,
Gregory Nowak
is git down,
Gregory Nowak
Speakup and VmWare workstation,
keithint38 at
Network Config Via Text Console,
Daniel C
audio permissions quandary,
Gregory Nowak
Progress on slackware accessibility project,
Michael Whapples
debian packages,
- Antwort: debian packages,
marco.fisch at
- debian packages,
John Heim
- <Possible follow-ups>
- debian packages,
Jude DaShiell
- debian packages,
Jude DaShiell
- debian packages,
Jude DaShiell
- debian packages,
Jude DaShiell
- debian packages,
Jude DaShiell
- debian packages,
Jude DaShiell
- debian packages,
Jude DaShiell
- debian packages,
Jude DaShiell
- debian packages,
Jude DaShiell
- debian packages,
Jude DaShiell
- debian packages,
Jude DaShiell
- debian packages,
Jude DaShiell
- Debian Packages,
- Re: Debian Packages,
Gregory Nowak
slackware and accessibility packages,
Michael Whapples
OT: Printer/scanner suggestions.,
OT: Printer/scanner suggestions,
FW: Novell writing open-source drivers...on its dime,
Jim Grimsby Jr.
OT: Printer/scanner suggestions? Help!,
Fedora, Speakup & Dectalk Express,
Liz Hare
Legacy Serial In A PCI Card?,
Janina Sajka
looking for braille n speak chord,
Littlefield, Tyler
John Heim
SSL Certs,
Steve Holmes
Does anyone know when adriane knoppix will be released?,
Doug Smith
Where are the docs?,
John Heim
Speakup and 2.6.22,
Igor Gueths
advice on IP phone choice,
Chuck Hallenbeck
2.6.22 kernel,
John Heim
email problem,
rkruger at
What can I do with speakup?,
Daniel Dalton
Fedora CD Problems,
Daniel C
Speakup reports "no window" when I pres the arrow keys.,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-722-7209
reporting bugs on gentoo,
William Hubbs
Cheap Bytes: Shipping Zip code,
Daniel C
Ot nokia ring tone competition,
jaffar at
Fedora Install: How To Proceed Next,
Daniel C
Reading powerpoint presentations in Linux,
Michael Whapples
installing fedora from the boot.iso,
Nick Gawronski
Fedorra 7 CD ISO Issues,
Daniel C
fedora core 7 speakup modified and dectalk express support,
Nick Gawronski
gentoo kernel 2.6.21 speakup does not work with the dectalk express,
Nick Gawronski
OT: VOIP clients for Windows and Linux.,
OT: VOIP clients for Windows and Linux?,
problem booting fedora,
rkruger at
Listening to Daisy Books,
Steve Holmes
Talking Ubuntu for Mac on CD,
Jane Jordan (gmail)
Capturing Audio,
Hart Larry
Reinstalling just the kernel in Fedora,
Liz Hare
Kernel SRPMs,
Trevor Astrope
Daisy/niso authoring,
Willem van der Walt
Problem while getting Speech dispatcher working.,
- Problem while getting Speech dispatcher working.,
Gregory Nowak
- Problem while getting Speech dispatcher working.,
- Problem while getting Speech dispatcher working.,
Gregory Nowak
- Problem while getting Speech dispatcher working.,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Karen Lewellen
- the best online computer parts store?,
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Gregory Nowak
- the best online computer parts store?,
Littlefield, Tyler
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Jane Lee
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Karen Lewellen
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Karen Lewellen
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Katie Durden
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
John Heim
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Jane Lee
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
John Heim
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Doug Smith
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Karen Lewellen
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Glenn Ervin
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
John Heim
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Gregory Nowak
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Lorenzo Taylor
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Gregory Nowak
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Luke Yelavich
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Doug Smith
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Littlefield, Tyler
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Gregory Nowak
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Littlefield, Tyler
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Gregory Nowak
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Doug Smith
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Doug Sutherland
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Janina Sajka
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Doug Sutherland
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Littlefield, Tyler
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Doug Sutherland
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Littlefield, Tyler
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Janina Sajka
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Littlefield, Tyler
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Janina Sajka
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Gregory Nowak
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Jane Lee
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
W. Nick Dotson
- Message not available
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Gregory Nowak
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Butch Bussen
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Lorenzo Taylor
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Luke Yelavich
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Luke Yelavich
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Littlefield, Tyler
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Gregory Nowak
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Littlefield, Tyler
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Lorenzo Taylor
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Gregory Nowak
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Doug Sutherland
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
John Heim
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Gregory Nowak
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Janina Sajka
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Jane Lee
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Jane Lee
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Jane Lee
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Glenn Ervin
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Gregory Nowak
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
John Heim
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Doug Smith
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Littlefield, Tyler
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Jane Lee
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Littlefield, Tyler
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Gregory Nowak
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Lorenzo Taylor
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Lorenzo Taylor
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Garret Klein
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Garret Klein
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Lorenzo Taylor
- ot: the best online computer parts store?,
Ralph W. Reid
git-clone, what does it do?,
Doug Smith
speakup and touchpad questions,
Jude DaShiell
Speakup and kernel 2.6.22.x and a question,
Keith Hinton
speech dispatcher installation error.,
Live CDs (was: speakup doesn't patch into,
John Heim
Problem with installation of FC7,
Tom Moore
how to patch a 2.6.22 kernel with speakup,
Chuck Hallenbeck
fwd: [VirtualBox] #629: the virtualbox GUI isn't accessible to those using screen readers,
Gregory Nowak
Patching 2.6 kernels with speakup,
Georgina Joyce
speech-dispatcher blocking oss applications,
Chuck Hallenbeck
SV: hej,
jonsson at
Speakup, 2.6.22, and Git,
Zachary Kline
speakup doesn't patch into,
Gregory Nowak
speakup and 2.6.23,
Daniel Drake
status of reflector,
josh at
setting up a VM system,
Richard Villa
speech-dispatcher 0.6.4 issue,
Chuck Hallenbeck
Speakup with 2.6.18,
Tom Moore
Speakup on the Icon Braille Plus?,
Zachary Kline
more info on /etc/festival.scm issue,
Chuck Hallenbeck
file /etc/festival.scm,
Chuck Hallenbeck
So near but so far - espeak & speech-dispatcher,
Georgina Joyce
Speech Dispatcher 0.6.4 released,
Hynek Hanke
Help with batch file.,
Chris Norman
Back in the linux world again,
Arthur Pirika
using active spam killer with maildrop,
Gregory Nowak
Puppy linux,
Will Smith
shared library for espeak,
Chuck Hallenbeck
speakup ttsynth FC 7,
Garrick Chow
Speakup and dectalk internal card,
Sergei V. Fleytin
Slackware can't install,
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