If you have a braillenote, then you can install Fedora using braille (can't speak for speakup), using a braillified installer from http://dave.mielke.cc/brltty. I won't even try to remember the commands because I'll probably get 'em wrong, but they're not that hard to find. You can go through the hole thing, then what I'd do after the install has completed, before you reboot, is turn off firstboot, if you get the installation guide from the speakup site and search within it for "chkconfig", then reboot. Log in to a console as root (there will be no speech or braille), and install brailletty either from source (by putting it on to a memory stick or FTP) then you have braille to install anything else. HTH. On Fri, 2007-08-24 at 23:31 -0700, cody wrote: > Hi all. > > I'm not having too much luck with this braillenote or this double talk. I read the speakup installation guide and did exactly to the word what it said. so I stuck the slackware cd inand booted and when it stopped I typed > > speakup.i speakup_synth=ltlk > > and pressed enter and got no speech. I downloaded and burned the slackware 10.0 d1 iso image and burned it, is it that 10.0 doesn't have speakup included or does that have the 2.6.22 kernel which is broeken with speakup? People give me a clue here google has beenn nothing but a pain for research and can't find any answers. What I need is a list of distros that have brltty and speakup support and a list of boot commands. It's driving me absolutely crazy not being able to get anythigng to work and everyone else is working fine. > > Cody > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at braille.uwo.ca > http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup -- Chris Norman. <!-- chris.norman4 at ntlworld.com -->