Linux Speakup
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- Numeric User Gone Bad?
- Numeric User Gone Bad?
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- Numeric User Gone Bad?
- Numeric User Gone Bad?
- Kernel preemption spelling bug
- Numeric User Gone Bad?
- espeak and the letter z
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- charset question
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- espeak and the letter z
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- espeak and the letter z
- espeak and the letter z
- From: Willem van der Walt
- espeak and the letter z
- From: Jonathan Duddington
- speakup and the letter z
- espeak and the letter z
- espeak and the letter z
- espeak and the letter z
- espeak and the letter z
- espeak and the letter z
- espeak and the letter z
- espeak and the letter z
- Custom Clinezilla Live with speakup and espeakup
- espeak and the letter z
- espeak and the letter z
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- test
- test
- test
- test
- one of our listers did a podcast!
- overriding debian repositories
- Speakup Debian ISO
- Where does espeakup live?
- Where does espeakup live?
- Where does espeakup live?
- overriding debian repositories
- overriding debian repositories
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- eth0 not recognized:school system
- Problem with speakup software synthesis if speechd-up or espeakup not running
- Problem with speakup software synthesis if speechd-up or espeakup not running
- Problem with speakup software synthesis if speechd-up or espeakupnot running
- Problem with speakup software synthesis if speechd-up or espeakup not running
- filtering with procmail
- filtering with procmail
- filtering with procmail
- filtering with procmail
- filtering with procmail
- Speakup Debian ISO
- Debian Lenny with speakup_dectlk module
- Speakup Debian ISO
- Speakup Debian ISO
- Speakup Debian ISO
- Debian Lenny
- Debian Lenny
- Debian Lenny
- Asus EEE PC
- Asus EEE PC
- Asus EEE PC
- Asus EEE PC
- Asus EEE PC
- Asus EEE PC
- command line ftp client
- Asus EEE PC
- Asus EEE PC
- command line ftp client
- From: eheil1 at
- command line ftp client
- command line ftp client
- command line ftp client
- From: eheil1 at
- command line ftp client
- command line ftp client
- From: eheil1 at
- command line ftp client
- command line ftp client
- command line ftp client
- command line ftp client
- command line ftp client
- command line ftp client
- command line ftp client
- command line ftp client
- Tip for installing espeakup
- espeakup v0.51 released
- Tip for installing espeakup
- espeakup v0.5 released
- Making Grub Talk
- Making Grub Talk
- From: eheil1 at
- GRML and apollo synth
- An RFE for the clipboard
- Making Grub Talk
- Making Grub Talk
- Lynx startup file problem SOLVED
- Lynx startup file problem SOLVED
- Lynx startup file problem
- Lynx startup file problem
- Lynx startup file problem
- From: eheil1 at
- Lynx startup file problem
- Mobile Broadband - e220 - T-Mobile
- Lynx startup file problem
- music composing?
- debian lenny and sound card
- debian lenny and sound card
- music composing?
- music composing?
- music composing?
- debian lenny and sound card
- debian lenny and sound card
- Mailing list archiving
- GRML and apollo synth
- Mailing list archiving
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- OT, please help with apache2 RewriteRule
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- OT, please help with apache2 RewriteRule
- OT, please help with apache2 RewriteRule
- Speakup laptop layout
- OT, please help with apache2 RewriteRule
- OT, please help with apache2 RewriteRule
- From: northstar1950 at
- OT, please help with apache2 RewriteRule
- OT, please help with apache2 RewriteRule
- OT, please help with apache2 RewriteRule
- GRML and apollo synth
- GRML and apollo synth
- Speakup laptop layout
- Speakup laptop layout
- Speakup laptop layout
- Hello and qeustion about SpeakUp
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- GRML and apollo synth
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- Hello and qeustion about SpeakUp
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- Hello and qeustion about SpeakUp
- GRML and apollo synth
- speakup reflecter will be down
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- Hello and qeustion about SpeakUp
- Hello and qeustion about SpeakUp
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- Hello and qeustion about SpeakUp
- Hello and qeustion about SpeakUp
- Success!
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- Speech-dispatcher
- Speech-dispatcher
- [OT] emulating a hardware synth
- Hello and qeustion about SpeakUp
- installing linux from USB?
- installing linux from USB?
- installing linux from USB?
- installing linux from USB?
- Hello and qeustion about SpeakUp
- Why we want gui [Was: speakup is nice]
- installing linux from USB?
- Hello and qeustion about SpeakUp
- installing linux from USB?
- Speech-dispatcher
- installing linux from USB?
- installing linux from USB?
- Hello and qeustion about SpeakUp
- installing linux from USB?
- installing linux from USB?
- Installing Windows was: speakup is nice
- bug:softsynth
- installing linux from USB?
- bug:softsynth
- Installing Windows was: speakup is nice
- bug:softsynth
- installing linux from USB?
- bug:softsynth
- Installing Windows was: speakup is nice
- Installing Windows was: speakup is nice
- Installing Windows was: speakup is nice
- Installing Windows was: speakup is nice
- bug:softsynth
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- more key echo
- bug:softsynth
- installing linux from USB?
- Installing Windows was: speakup is nice
- Installing Windows was: speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- An RFE for the clipboard
- more key echo
- speakup is nice
- installing linux from USB?
- installing linux from USB?
- slackware 12.2
- Why we want gui [Was: speakup is nice]
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- key echo in speakup
- installing linux from USB?
- slackware 12.2
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- From: Willem van der Walt
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Hello, and installing Speakup on Ubuntu Intrepid
- key echo in speakup
- From: Willem van der Walt
- speakup is nice
- Why we want gui [Was: speakup is nice]
- turning off key echoe in speakup
- key echo in speakup
- a quick thanks:for kerry
- bug:softsynth
- installing linux from USB?
- OT: mlb, nfl and related audio access issues
- speakup is nice
- another attempt to use speakup
- Why we want gui [Was: speakup is nice]
- Installing Windows was: speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- GRML is cool, but having problem
- slackware 12.2
- finding out what a language is running?
- Cisco courses for the vision impaired
- Cisco courses for the vision impaired
- Cisco courses for the vision impaired
- Cisco courses for the vision impaired
- Cisco courses for the vision impaired
- Cisco courses for the vision impaired
- Cisco courses for the vision impaired
- Cisco courses for the vision impaired
- another attempt to use speakup
- another attempt to use speakup
- another attempt to use speakup
- Cisco courses for the vision impaired
- for all you maraket savy edbrowse users
- for all you maraket savy edbrowse users
- for all you maraket savy edbrowse users
- for all you maraket savy edbrowse users
- for all you maraket savy edbrowse users
- for all you maraket savy edbrowse users
- speakup and key echoe and key layout
- speakup and key echoe and key layout
- speakup and key echoe and key layout
- speakup and key echoe and key layout
- speakup and key echoe and key layout
- slrn and speakup
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- Installing Windows was: speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- Installing Windows was: speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- GRML is cool, but having problem
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- Installing Windows was: speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- speakup is nice
- Possibly OT: general Linux accessibility channel on IRC?
- Possibly OT: general Linux accessibility channel on IRC?
- Loading speakup modules strange problem.
- Possibly OT: general Linux accessibility channel on IRC?
- Possibly OT: general Linux accessibility channel on IRC?
- looking for a set of applications
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Loading speakup modules strange problem.
- Loading speakup modules strange problem.
- looking for a set of applications
- looking for a set of applications
- looking for a set of applications
- looking for a set of applications
- looking for a set of applications
- looking for a set of applications
- Trouble Compiling modules/kernel
- Trouble Compiling modules/kernel
- Trouble Compiling modules/kernel
- Trouble Compiling modules/kernel
- Trouble Compiling modules/kernel
- Trouble Compiling modules/kernel
- Trouble Compiling modules/kernel
- speakout does not always shut up
- Trouble Compiling modules/kernel
- Trouble Compiling modules/kernel
- Trouble Compiling modules/kernel
- Trouble Compiling modules/kernel
- mail problems debian
- iptables errors:something wrong with distribution?
- Motivational Posters, Demotivators
- making a backup of my linux filesystem with tar and bz2
- making a backup of my linux filesystem with tar and bz2
- mail problems debian
- making a backup of my linux filesystem with tar and bz2
- System still locks up on me in Debian
- making a backup of my linux filesystem with tar and bz2
- making a backup of my linux filesystem with tar and bz2
- making a backup of my linux filesystem with tar and bz2
- making a backup of my linux filesystem with tar and bz2
- making a backup of my linux filesystem with tar and bz2
- System still locks up on me in Debian
- System still locks up on me in Debian
- System still locks up on me in Debian
- download the git version of speakup for use in the latest kernel
- more on hald conflict with Dectalk Express driver
- question on using old external DECTalk
- locale issues
- intermittently unable to shut up speakout
- locale issues
- locale issues
- Merry Xmasand happy holidays
- status of speakup in gentoo
- Merry Xmasand happy holidays
- hal on debian testing fails configuration
- newsreading with debian lenny
- hal on debian testing fails configuration
- newsreading with debian lenny
- hal on debian testing fails configuration
- newsreading with debian lenny
- question on using old external DECTalk
- newsreading with debian lenny
- newsreading with debian lenny
- newsreading with debian lenny
- system with speakup software already installed?
- question on using old external DECTalk
- question on using old external DECTalk
- newsreading with debian lenny
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- From: mariachiac at
- system with speakup software already installed?
- question on using old external DECTalk
- question on using old external DECTalk
- question on using old external DECTalk
- Smallest/longest battery life linux device
- newsreading with debian lenny
- newsreading with debian lenny
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- newsreading with debian lenny
- newsreading with debian lenny
- installing ubuntu with orica?
- installing ubuntu with orica?
- installing ubuntu with orica?
- installing ubuntu with orica?
- installing ubuntu with orica?
- installing ubuntu with orica?
- newsreading with debian lenny
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- linux live CD with orca for testing
- system with speakup software already installed?
- linux live CD with orca for testing
- system with speakup software already installed?
- linux live CD with orca for testing
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- speakupconf hacked to work
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- system with speakup software already installed?
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- In the market
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- rebuilding the gentoo 2007.0 live CD with updated packages
- successfull kernel build:where to go?
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- tin newsreader on debian lenny
- tin newsreader on debian lenny
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- speakup and hald conflict in Slackware 12.2
- successfull kernel build:where to go?
- successfull kernel build:where to go?
- tin newsreader on debian lenny
- successfull kernel build:where to go?
- successfull kernel build:where to go?
- problem compiling speakup modules on vibuntu 1.2
- problem compiling speakup modules on vibuntu 1.2
- couple of kernel build questions
- couple of kernel build questions
- couple of kernel build questions
- couple of kernel build questions
- Sluggish Cursoring in ssh?
- couple of kernel build questions
- news readers again
- news readers again
- news readers again
- news readers again
- newsgroup readers
- tracker for distributing a talking ISO via BitTorrent?
- tracker for distributing a talking ISO via BitTorrent?
- customized ArchLinux install CD with speech support
- speakup modules
- customized ArchLinux install CD with speech support
- speakup modules
- speakup modules
- From: aerospace1028 at
- newsgroup readers
- newsgroup readers
- newsgroup readers
- tracker for distributing a talking ISO via BitTorrent?
- tracker for distributing a talking ISO via BitTorrent?
- tracker for distributing a talking ISO via BitTorrent?
- tracker for distributing a talking ISO via BitTorrent?
- Linux and braille output
- git-pull problem
- a couple speakup questions
- a couple speakup questions
- a couple speakup questions
- a couple speakup questions
- From: aerospace1028 at
- hello from a new member
- starting espeak, or festival in fc8
- hello from a new member
- From: Willem van der Walt
- hello from a new member
- muds
- muds
- Speakup and Term::ReadLine::Perl
- hello from a new member
- hello from a new member
- hello from a new member
- muds
- muds
- muds
- muds
- hello from a new member
- speech scripts
- speech scripts
- speech scripts
- speech scripts
- configuring dpkg/apt to use readline
- configuring dpkg/apt to use readline
- speech scripts
- killing speech from cli
- killing speech from cli
- killing speech from cli
- configuring dpkg/apt to use readline
- configuring dpkg/apt to use readline
- configuring dpkg/apt to use readline
- killing speakup issues
- configuring dpkg/apt to use readline
- killing speech from cli
- killing speakup issues
- From: Willem van der Walt
- killing speech from cli
- killing speakup issues
- killing speakup issues
- lots of problems solved: my life story
- killing speakup issues
- lots of problems solved: my life story
- lots of problems solved: my life story
- supported distributions
- lots of problems solved: my life story
- lots of problems solved: my life story
- supported distributions
- lots of problems solved: my life story
- lots of problems solved: my life story
- lots of problems solved: my life story
- lots of problems solved: my life story
- lots of problems solved: my life story
- latest GRML doesn't have speakup
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- FYI; debian portmap upgrade broken--resolution
- latest GRML doesn't have speakup
- latest GRML doesn't have speakup
- Does fedora 10 come with speakup yet!
- FYI; debian portmap upgrade broken--resolution
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- latest GRML doesn't have speakup
- latest GRML doesn't have speakup
- latest GRML doesn't have speakup
- installing speakup on ubuntu
- latest GRML doesn't have speakup
- latest GRML doesn't have speakup
- FYI; debian portmap upgrade broken--resolution
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- installing speakup on ubuntu
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- installing speakup on ubuntu
- From: aerospace1028 at
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- fedora9 cd images?
- fedora9 cd images?
- programm issues--moving files back and forth
- killing speech from cli
- mail setup in lenny
- mail setup in lenny
- mail setup in lenny
- mail setup in lenny
- mail setup in lenny
- From: lists at
- killing speech from cli
- killing speech from cli
- Installing/removing Speakup modules at the CLI revisited
- killing speech from cli
- killing speech from cli
- killing speech from cli
- killing speech from cli
- killing speech from cli
- Does speakup work with synaptic?
- [Fwd: Re: Does speakup work with synaptic?]
- Does speakup work with synaptic?
- mail setup in lenny
- running dedicated servers
- running dedicated servers
- running dedicated servers
- running dedicated servers
- more stuff about installing from memory stick
- more stuff about installing from memory stick
- more stuff about installing from memory stick
- Introducint myself to list members
- Introducint myself to list members
- getting mail working correctly
- Introducint myself to list members
- From: aerospace1028 at
- getting mail working correctly
- more stuff about installing from memory stick
- lenny net installer
- lenny net installer
- lenny net installer
- lenny net installer
- getting mail working correctly
- iptables info
- lenny net installer
- lenny net installer
- getting mail working correctly
- iptables info
- more stuff about installing from memory stick
- more stuff about installing from memory stick
- setting up mail on lenny
- setting up mail on lenny
- lenny net installer
- more stuff about installing from memory stick
- more stuff about installing from memory stick
- more stuff about installing from memory stick
- more stuff about installing from memory stick
- lenny net installer
- lenny net installer
- lenny net installer
- lenny net installer
- lenny net installer
- lenny net installer
- lenny net installer
- lenny net installer
- lenny net installer
- more stuff about installing from memory stick
- more stuff about installing from memory stick
- more stuff about installing from memory stick
- lenny net installer
- lenny net installer
- Introducint myself to list members.
- speakup on Sun hardware
- Debian on Older Equipment?
- fedora9 cd images?
- fedora9 cd images?
- speakup on Sun hardware
- programming question
- Debian on Older Equipment?
- Debian on Older Equipment?
- progress on booting debian installer from USB stick
- progress on booting debian installer from USB stick
- progress on booting debian installer from USB stick
- progress on booting debian installer from USB stick
- backup apparently not working
- programming question
- programming question
- programming question
- programming question
- programming question
- programming question
- programming question
- programming question
- programming question
- programming question
- programming question
- programming question
- question about services
- learning bash
- learning bash
- learning bash
- learning bash
- backup apparently not working
- backup apparently not working
- fedora9 cd images?
- fedora9 cd images?
- fedora9 cd images?
- backup apparently not working
- backup apparently not working
- backup apparently not working
- backup apparently not working
- backup apparently not working
- backup apparently not working
- fedora9 cd images?
- How do you install and use Socrates?
- OT:
- server hosting from Canada?
- First build
- server hosting from Canada?
- booting debian installer from USB Stick
- server hosting from Canada?
- server hosting from Canada?
- First build
- server hosting from Canada?
- Toronto user needs hardware synthesizer
- OT: Test gmail via mutt.
- cron and annoyances
- OT: Test gmail via mutt.
- cron and annoyances
- cron and annoyances
- cron and annoyances
- cron and annoyances
- cron and annoyances
- First build
- audio processing from a cli w/ speakup
- First build
- audio processing from a cli w/ speakup
- audio processing from a cli w/ speakup
- Backup Questions
- Backup Questions
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