On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 02:57:12PM -0500, Christopher Moore wrote: > My question is how this could be expanded to look up a predefined list > of stocks. for stock in `cat stocklist.txt` ; do lynx -dump "http://www.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=~0&d=t$stock" > \ wherever-the-data-is-to-go.output done The trick is getting the URL properly formatted, but I don't think edbrowse is set up to display to stdout. "lynx -dump" might be the better tool, or wget. I was trying something similar that would run through yahoo.finance and download and extract stock prices, planning to have the data entered into postgresql. Wrong site, actually for that, visiting 30,000 pages each night in the NASDAQ alone. I don't think edbrowse is the right tool for the job. Using lynx to grab the page and then filtering out the contents with grep and sed is probably what you're looking for, or one of the Merril Lynch companies out there that will give you a better display, much like a Wall Street Journal page of stock prices. lynx *should* be able to download the web page, java or not, and redirect the output to a file or stream for further processing though. Michael