Hi Alex, Yes, this is with Virtualbox 2.0.6. If I may ask, how are you trying to get it to use a serial port? vboxmanage is currently broken in that regard. I used the GUI settings pages to configure mine. It's a little difficult: the QT accessibility library is somewhat lacking. Nevertheless, I got it working. Essentially, you have to go into the VM settings dialogue and use the tab control to get over to the serial ports section. It starts off with a checkbox to decide whether to activate the ports. Actually, this part is quite doable with vboxmanage. If you prefer that, you want a command something like: vboxmanage modifyvm "Vmname" -uart1 0x3f8 4. The only part that requires the GUI is assigning the port to a physical device. Go into that settings panel as above mentioned and you'll eventually find that serial tab. The checkbox and port number are already set, so tab over until you find a series of what are essentially radio buttons. There's one about connecting to a pipe, which you'll recognize because once you select that there's another checkbox which becomes active asking if you want Virtualbox to create the pipe itself. At any rate, you want the other radio button: there's only a box asking for "Port Path" with that one. Just put in the device name, e.g. COM3 in my case, and you should be set. Hope this helps. Best, Zack.