Linux Speakup
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- New git repository website active
- Vinux
- Vinux (was: Re: Accessible Ubuntu Installation?)
- Vinux (was: Re: Accessible Ubuntu Installation?)
- Vinux (was: Re: Accessible Ubuntu Installation?)
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- New git repository website active
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- FW: [orca-list] Instalation question.
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- FW: [orca-list] Instalation question.
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- espeakup 0.71 is out
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- changing synths
- CPU issues with Speakup
- Does speakup work on Ubuntu
- changing synths
- OT: Emacspeak and Fedora
- OT: Emacspeak and Fedora
- Another *possible* bug?
- changing synths
- ot, use_tempaddr not working right
- CPU issues with Speakup
- Speakup, Cepstral and Speech-dispatcher
- changing synths
- changing synths
- OT: Emacspeak and Fedora
- OT: Emacspeak and Fedora
- OT: Emacspeak and Fedora
- Another *possible* bug?
- Does speakup work on Ubuntu
- Think I found a bug...
- Think I found a bug...
- CPU issues with Speakup
- CPU issues with Speakup
- CPU issues with Speakup
- CPU issues with Speakup
- CPU issues with Speakup
- CPU issues with Speakup
- speakup direct option?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- CPU issues with Speakup
- speakup direct option?
- speakup direct option?
- speakup direct option?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- speakup issues
- speakup direct option?
- speakup direct option?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- accessing .docx documents
- accessing .docx documents
- Speakup and locales
- speakup issues
- Speakup and locales
- Speakup and locales
- Speakup and locales
- Speakup and locales
- Speakup and locales
- [PATCH] Strip quotes and newline, take two.
- [PATCH] Strip quotes and newline, take two.
- From: Christopher Brannon
- Speakup and locales
- speakup issues
- speakup issues
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- description of my most recent patch
- [PATCH] Strip quotes and newline when setting STRING parameters.
- From: Christopher Brannon
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- speakup problems using vim 7.2
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- docx2txt scripts
- Mailing lists link
- docx2txt scripts
- docx2txt scripts
- accessing .docx documents
- accessing .docx documents
- accessing .docx documents
- Fw: Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- speakup problems using vim 7.2
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
- [PATCH] Remove trailing newlines from files in /sys/module/speakup/parameters.
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
- Accessible Ubuntu Installation?
- Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
- Fw: Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
- speakupconf and trailing blank lines in files under parameters/
- [PATCH] Remove trailing newlines from files in /sys/module/speakup/parameters.
- From: Christopher Brannon
- Speakup defaults
- Speakup defaults
- Speakup defaults
- Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
- Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
- Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
- Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
- Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?
- retreaving pts device
- torrent client suggestions
- torrent client suggestions
- torrent client suggestions
- torrent client suggestions
- torrent client suggestions
- torrent client suggestions
- torrent client suggestions
- uml question
- torrent client suggestions
- uml question
- uml question
- Fedora 11:
- torrent client suggestions
- torrent client suggestions
- torrent client suggestions
- ot, configuring ipv6 routing to tap device
- openvpn configuration
- ot, configuring ipv6 routing to tap device
- ot, configuring ipv6 routing to tap device
- samba
- ot, configuring ipv6 routing to tap device
- samba
- samba
- openvpn configuration
- Disabling Speakup's use of keypad?
- openvpn configuration
- openvpn configuration
- openvpn configuration
- openvpn configuration
- openvpn configuration
- samba
- samba
- openvpn configuration
- openvpn configuration
- openvpn configuration
- openvpn configuration
- How much will a speech synthesizer cost?
- Accent PC for sale
- How much will a speech synthesizer cost?
- debian sid problem solved
- vinux 1.4 walk through
- espeak U.S. mirror question
- open vpn
- open vpn
- open vpn
- open vpn
- open vpn
- USB Audio Device Suggestions?
- open vpn
- USB Audio Device Suggestions?
- open vpn
- USB Audio Device Suggestions?
- USB Audio Device Suggestions?
- open vpn
- open vpn
- Finally got smart about my ltlk issue
- espeakup.iso install failure
- espeakup.iso install failure
- USB Audio Device Suggestions?
- espeakup.iso install failure
- espeakup.iso install failure
- espeakup.iso install failure
- espeakup.iso install failure
- Pine: Including a username and password for a SMTP or NNTP server
- SpeakUP and IRC...
- SpeakUP and IRC...
- SpeakUP and IRC...
- SpeakUP and IRC...
- SpeakUP and IRC...
- SpeakUP and IRC...
- Trying to get a Dell Enspiron Laptop to Talk
- speakupconf
- Brltty layout question?
- speakup web page
- speakup web page
- Trying to get a Dell Enspiron Laptop to Talk
- Brltty layout question?
- From: Paul Migliorelli +1 3 0 3 5 5 2 6 9 7 0
- Trying to get a Dell Enspiron Laptop to Talk
- Trying to get a Dell Enspiron Laptop to Talk
- Trying to get a Dell Enspiron Laptop to Talk
- Trying to get a Dell Enspiron Laptop to Talk
- problem with audapter
- problem with audapter
- Trying to get a Dell Enspiron Laptop to Talk
- speakup web page
- Trying to get a Dell Enspiron Laptop to Talk
- Trying to get a Dell Enspiron Laptop to Talk
- Dectalk Express synthesizer question
- Trying to get a Dell Enspiron Laptop to Talk
- Dectalk Express synthesizer question
- Dectalk Express synthesizer question
- Dectalk Express synthesizer question
- Dectalk Express synthesizer question
- Dectalk Express synthesizer question
- Dectalk Express synthesizer question
- Dectalk Express synthesizer question
- Dectalk Express synthesizer question
- Dectalk Express synthesizer question
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Dectalk Express synthesizer question
- Dectalk Express synthesizer question
- mini-beep.iso follow up
- Speakup Skipping Text
- solution for mail filters
- solution for mail filters
- solution for mail filters
- mini-beep.iso follow up
- debian sid upgrades
- mini-beep.iso request
- mini-beep.iso request
- speakupconf
- tips on using m c
- Speakup Skipping Text
- ltlk issue again
- ltlk issue again
- ltlk issue again
- ltlk issue again
- speakupconf
- speakupconf
- ltlk issue again
- ltlk issue again
- ltlk issue again
- ubuntu server with speakup
- ltlk issue again
- Speakup getting buggier.
- ltlk issue again
- ltlk issue again
- ltlk issue again
- navigation issues
- ltlk issue again
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Accessibility of netbooks
- Accessibility of netbooks
- Accessibility of netbooks
- courier was Making Pop and SMTP Work With Accounts
- using nc as proxy
- using nc as proxy
- using nc as proxy
- Accessibility of netbooks
- Accessibility of netbooks
- Accessibility of netbooks
- Espeakup and other language than english
- Espeakup and other language than english
- From: Willem van der Walt
- fedora 10 install
- making pop and smtp work with accounts
- making pop and smtp work with accounts
- making pop and smtp work with accounts
- making pop and smtp work with accounts
- making pop and smtp work with accounts
- ltlk issue again
- Espeakup and other language than english
- Espeakup and other language than english
- Accessibility of netbooks
- Accessibility of netbooks
- shell-fm package
- Espeakup and other language than english
- Accessibility of netbooks
- Accessibility of netbooks
- Accessibility of netbooks
- audio encoder?
- edbrowse tip
- Accessibility of netbooks
- unsubscribe
- virtualization, was: Re: Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Accessibility of netbooks
- audio encoder?
- Accessibility of netbooks
- Accessibility of netbooks
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Accessibility of netbooks
- memory/cpu usage monitor:best solution
- Antwort: Re: audio encoder?
- From: marco.fisch at
- virtualization, was: Re: Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- audio encoder?
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- audio encoder?
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- audio encoder?
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- slackware 12.2 installation?
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- speakup problems using vim 7.2
- tips on using m c
- speakup problems using vim 7.2
- speakup problems using vim 7.2
- speakup problems using vim 7.2
- Further info on apollo bug with speakup
- slackware 12.2 installation?
- cygwin question
- cygwin question
- mono-vbnc and speakup
- speakup debian sid update?
- slackware 12.2 installation?
- [d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: memory/cpu usage monitor:bestsolution]
- tips on using m c
- [d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: memory/cpu usage monitor:best solution]
- [d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: memory/cpu usage monitor:best solution]
- [d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: memory/cpu usage monitor:best solution]
- [d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: memory/cpu usage monitor:best solution]
- cygwin question
- tips on using m c
- memory/cpu usage monitor:best solution
- cygwin question
- memory/cpu usage monitor:best solution
- cygwin question
- cygwin question
- cygwin question
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- tips on using m c
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- cygwin question
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- cygwin question
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- cygwin question
- cygwin question
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- mlbviewer
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- tips on using m c
- speech-dispatcher
- quick bochs question
- speech-dispatcher
- quick bochs question
- tips on using m c
- speech-dispatcher
- tips on using m c
- arch linux build tools
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Apollo stops talking from time to time
- quick bochs question
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process, part 2
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process, part 2
- arch linux build tools
- arch linux build tools
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process, part 2
- Apollo stops talking from time to time
- Apollo stops talking from time to time
- Apollo stops talking from time to time
- Apollo stops talking from time to time
- Apollo stops talking from time to time
- Apollo stops talking from time to time
- Speakup options
- Speakup options
- debian gripes, accessibility, and labels, was: Re: IntegratingSpeakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- debian gripes, accessibility, and labels, was: Re: IntegratingSpeakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- debian gripes, accessibility, and labels, was: Re: Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Speakup options
- Speakupconf
- debian gripes, accessibility, and labels, was: Re: Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Speakup options
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process, part 2
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Speakup options
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- [Fwd: [acb-l] MLB--How to Get to the Gameday Audio Page]
- [Fwd: [acb-l] MLB--How to Get to the Gameday Audio Page]
- Speakup options
- Speakup options
- Speakup options
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Speakup options
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- recommendations on good outbound smtp relay
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Speakupconf
- recommendations on good outbound smtp relay
- image verification and trying to sign up for mlbviewer forum
- image verification and trying to sign up for mlbviewer forum
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Speakup_soft lockup
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Speakup_soft lockup
- custom live cd
- Speakup_soft lockup
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- recommendations on good outbound smtp relay
- recommendations on good outbound smtp relay
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process
- speakup with laptops
- recommendations on good outbound smtp relay
- Speakupconf
- recommendations on good outbound smtp relay
- [Bulk] recommendations on good outbound smtp relay
- recommendations on good outbound smtp relay
- recommendations on good outbound smtp relay
- custom live cd
- speakup with laptops
- speakup with laptops
- speakup with laptops
- custom live cd
- custom live cd
- custom live cd
- [Fwd: Re: Upgrading from 32 bit to 64 bit]
- custom live cd
- [d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: Speakup_soft lockup]
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- custom live cd
- [d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: Speakup_soft lockup]
- speakup with laptops
- speakup with laptops
- Speakup_soft lockup
- speakup with laptops
- Speakup_soft lockup
- Speakup_soft lockup
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Speakup_soft lockup
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Speakup_soft lockup
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- gnu/linux pdf reader, was: Re: new OCR project for Linux!
- Speakup_soft lockup
- Speakup_soft lockup
- Speakup_soft lockup
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Speakup_soft lockup
- Speakup_soft lockup
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Speakup_soft lockup
- Speakup_soft lockup
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- Speakup_soft lockup
- new OCR project for Linux!
- Software for stats
- Software for stats
- new OCR project for Linux!
- gnu/linux pdf reader, was: Re: new OCR project for Linux!
- Upgrading from 32 bit to 64 bit
- new OCR project for Linux!
- gnu/linux pdf reader, was: Re: new OCR project for Linux!
- gnu/linux pdf reader, was: Re: new OCR project for Linux!
- new OCR project for Linux!
- where is the git repository
- From: Kristoffer Gustafsson
- new OCR project for Linux!
- From: Willem van der Walt
- new OCR project for Linux!
- new OCR project for Linux!
- getting an irc up and running:official speakup chat?
- speakup debian sid as of 3/28/2009 follow up
- time-sensitive screen clearing
- Espeakup
- Speakupconf
- Speakupconf
- speakup.synth= vs modprobe
- Speakup at boot
- Speakup at boot
- Speakup at boot
- Speakup at boot
- xen problems
- From: webczat at
- Speakup at boot
- speakup.synth= vs modprobe
- Speakup at boot
- Speakup at boot
- Speakup at boot
- Speakup at boot
- speakup.synth= vs modprobe
- speakup.synth= vs modprobe
- speakup.synth= vs modprobe
- speakup.synth= vs modprobe
- From: webczat at
- speakup.synth= vs modprobe
- speakup.synth= vs modprobe
- speakup.synth= vs modprobe
- OT: How to examine ISOS for clues to bootup process?
- xen and rate
- From: webczat at
- xen and rate
- xen/speakup/etc
- From: webczat at
- xen/speakup/etc
- /dev/vcsa codes and unicode
- /dev/vcsa codes and unicode
- 3rd release of the talking ArchLinux install CD
- OT: How to examine ISOS for clues to bootup process?
- Mlbviewer
- getting an irc up and running:official speakup chat?
- getting an irc up and running:official speakup chat?
- getting an irc up and running:official speakup chat?
- getting an irc up and running:official speakup chat?
- getting an irc up and running:official speakup chat?
- installing arch
- installing arch
- Mlbviewer
- Speech-enabled version of Image for Linux
- installing arch
- installing arch
- trouble accessing a hard drive
- installing arch
- installing arch
- installing arch
- Speech-enabled version of Image for Linux
- installing arch
- installing arch
- installing arch
- trouble accessing a hard drive
- getting an irc up and running:official speakup chat?
- From: webczat at
- getting an irc up and running:official speakup chat?
- booting from CD, shortcuts anyone?
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- getting an irc up and running:official speakup chat?
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- getting an irc up and running:official speakup chat?
- getting an irc up and running:official speakup chat?
- getting an irc up and running:official speakup chat?
- Arch Linux talking Iso
- Arch Linux talking Iso
- Arch Linux talking Iso
- Arch Linux talking Iso
- news about the talking ArchLinux ISO
- news about the talking ArchLinux ISO
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- speakup on arm
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- speakup on arm
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- How to unmute multiple controls at once
- From: Willem van der Walt
- speakup on arm
- From: Willem van der Walt
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- denyhosts quandry
- quick fetchmail question
- quick fetchmail question
- speakup on arm
- speakup on arm
- Booting the linux.
- From: webczat at
- quick fetchmail question
- quick fetchmail question
- booting from CD, shortcuts anyone?
- booting from CD, shortcuts anyone?
- Booting the linux.
- Booting the linux.
- espeakup repository now on github
- Booting the linux.
- From: webczat at
- booting from CD, shortcuts anyone?
- booting from CD, shortcuts anyone?
- booting from CD, shortcuts anyone?
- booting from CD, shortcuts anyone?
- booting from CD, shortcuts anyone?
- booting from CD, shortcuts anyone?
- How to unmute multiple controls at once
- Mlbviewer
- Mlbviewer
- knoppix 6.01 adriane
- Mlbviewer
- Mlbviewer
- knoppix 6.01 adriane
- news about the talking ArchLinux ISO
- news about the talking ArchLinux ISO
- Arch Linux talking Iso
- Mlbviewer
- Mlbviewer
- Mlbviewer
- Mlbviewer
- Mlbviewer
- Mlbviewer
- Mlbviewer
- [Fwd: Re: Adding speech to IFL]
- Speakup-enabled ArchLinux install CD, version 2!
- [Fwd: Re: Adding speech to IFL]
- Speakup-enabled ArchLinux install CD, version 2!
- Speakup-enabled ArchLinux install CD, version 2!
- Speakup, xen, bios and grub support.
- From: webczat at
- Update Speakup documentation
- Speakup, xen, bios and grub support.
- From: webczat at
- Speakup, xen, bios and grub support.
- [Fwd: Re: Adding speech to IFL]
- Speakup, xen, bios and grub support.
- [Fwd: Re: Adding speech to IFL]
- Update Speakup documentation
- [Fwd: Re: Adding speech to IFL]
- Update Speakup documentation
- [Fwd: Re: Adding speech to IFL]
- espeak and the letter z
- espeak and the letter z
- Speakup-enabled ArchLinux install CD, version 2!
- [Fwd: Re: Adding speech to IFL]
- corrected download URLs for the Speakup-enabled ArchLinux CD
- Speakup-enabled ArchLinux install CD, version 2!
- Speakup-enabled ArchLinux install CD, version 2!
- Speakup-enabled ArchLinux install CD, version 2!
- Speakup-enabled ArchLinux install CD, version 2!
- Speakup-enabled ArchLinux install CD, version 2!
- [Fwd: Re: Adding speech to IFL]
- [Fwd: Re: Adding speech to IFL]
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- Biff for screen sessions
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- debian error messages
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- looking for: ssh hosting
- debian error messages
- From: lists at
- Something Broken in Speakup with spkout
- Something Broken in Speakup with spkout
- Something Broken in Speakup with spkout
- Something Broken in Speakup with spkout
- Something Broken in Speakup with spkout
- Numeric User Gone Bad?
- Numeric User Gone Bad?
- Numeric User Gone Bad?
- Numeric User Gone Bad?
- Character pronounciation
- Character pronounciation
- Character pronounciation
- Numeric User Gone Bad?
- Numeric User Gone Bad?
- espeak and the letter z
- espeak and the letter z
- Numeric User Gone Bad?
- Numeric User Gone Bad?
[Index of Archives]
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