Hello again, Another possible bug I've found is when editing in vim, is whenusing brackets, parens, and curly brackets. When typing the following, these characters are not spoken correctly when typed. While in vim, type: (). The above is spoken as Left paren, Left paren, silence. The period is not spoken While cursoring over the line above, the characters are spoken correctly. I am running a LiteTalk (LTLK) synthesizer, and produced this while in "Cursoring On" mode, and it seems to be in every version of SpeakUP I've used, since 2.0, LTLK 1.1, the Shane Debian kernel, my first SpeakUP kernel used. This only seems to happen in vim, and not in other areas, like the bash command line,, so I don't know if it's an ANSI, bim, or whatever bug, or if it's just the way vim handles screen navigation. Sorry to not have mentioned it before, as I had assumed it was just vim, and not something that might be in Speakup. Also, typing the following: [ ] 1 ...is spoken Left Bracket, silence, silence, silence, One, for another example that can be tested. Backspacing over characters in bim is silent, unlike in the bash command line. HTH, Michael