Hi All As promised I've done an audio walk-through of the installation of vinux 1.4 with particular attention upon partitioning. Copywrite: Filename vinux_1.4_walk-through.mp3 Publisher ready2golinux.com Date 09 May 2009 ready2golinux.com proudly presents: vinux 1.4 walk-through. This recording, in it's entirety with this file can be freely distributed at no charge. To benefit the cause of visually impaired people using linux. Ready2golinux.com reserves the sole right to use the recording for comercial purposes. All rights reserved ready2golinux.com The file can be got from sendspace: You have successfully uploaded a file called vinux_1.4_walk_through.zip (53 MB), to sendspace. Description: vinux 1.4 walk through by ready2golinux.comYou can use the following link to retrieve your file: http://www.sendspace.com/file/bnpkdq Enjoy -- Gena M0EBP http://ready2golinux.com