Linux Speakup
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- CoLinux-and-Speakup?
- CoLinux-and-Speakup?
- How do I get to learn Linux & SpeakUp? Re: How to use espeakup
- CoLinux-and-Speakup?
- CoLinux-and-Speakup?
- CoLinux-and-Speakup?
- list FAQ?
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- espeakup under debian is screwed
- espeakup under debian is screwed
- espeakup under debian is screwed
- espeakup under debian is screwed
- espeakup under debian is screwed
- espeakup under debian is screwed
- espeakup under debian is screwed
- list FAQ?
- list FAQ?
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- espeakup under debian is screwed
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How do I get to learn Linux & SpeakUp? Re: How to use espeakup
- How do I get to learn Linux & SpeakUp? Re: How to use espeakup
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- list FAQ?
- list FAQ?
- list FAQ?
- list FAQ?
- How do I get to learn Linux & SpeakUp? Re: How to use espeakup
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How do I get to learn Linux & SpeakUp? Re: How to use espeakup
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- Using cat and echo
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- Using cat and echo
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How to use espeakup?
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How to use espeakup, revisited...
- How to use espeakup?
- Using cat and echo
- Need help getting started! Cannot access theSpeakup Reflectortochat.
- espeakup Debian boot order
- Need help getting started! Cannot access the Speakup Reflectortochat.
- Need help getting started! Cannot access the Speakup Reflectorto chat.
- New audio editor available
- Need help getting started! Cannot access the Speakup Reflector to chat.
- Need help getting started! Cannot access the Speakup Reflector to chat.
- Having problems reading man pages...
- how to tell which synthesizer is active
- Having problems reading man pages...
- how to tell which synthesizer is active
- From: covici at
- how to tell which synthesizer is active
- Having problems reading man pages...
- trying to get speakup to work as modules on Ubuntu 9.04
- trying to get speakup to work as modules on Ubuntu 9.04
- trying to get speakup to work as modules on Ubuntu 9.04
- From: Willem van der Walt
- trying to get speakup to work as modules on Ubuntu 9.04
- Text to braille image conversion
- Fwd: x86 and amd64 gentoo live dvd images
- gentoo x86 and amd64 minimal cds now have braille and speech
- Fwd: [gentoo-accessibility] gentoo 10.0 x86 test live dvd available
- Text to braille image conversion
- Text to braille image conversion
- Fwd: test live cd for amd64
- Fwd: test live cd for amd64
- From: covici at
- Fwd: test live cd for amd64
- [gentoo-accessibility] test live cd for amd64
- How to Tell Which Synthesizer is Active?
- how to tell which synthesizer is active
- how to tell which synthesizer is active
- how to tell which synthesizer is active
- how to tell which synthesizer is active
- how to tell which synthesizer is active
- From: covici at
- how to tell which synthesizer is active
- how to tell which synthesizer is active
- From: covici at
- How to Tell Which Synthesizer is Active?
- how to tell which synthesizer is active
- how to tell which synthesizer is active
- From: covici at
- Espeakup sometimes produces core files when shutting down/rebooting
- Espeakup sometimes produces core files when shutting down/rebooting
- Espeakup sometimes produces core files when shutting down/rebooting
- Espeakup sometimes produces core files when shutting down/rebooting
- Espeakup sometimes produces core files when shutting down/rebooting
- Espeakup sometimes produces core files when shutting down/rebooting
- Vinux users have a problem with speakup possibly
- Espeakup sometimes produces core files when shutting down/rebooting
- o.t. any rpm writers on list?
- changing software synths
- changing software synths
- changing software synths
- speakup.s and slackpkg
- changing software synths
- gentoo dropping speakup support
- gentoo dropping speakup support
- gentoo dropping speakup support
- vim and speakup and utf-8
- speakup not starting part 2
- vim and speakup and utf-8
- speakup not starting part 2
- speakup not starting part 2
- Questions about DOS (sorry if off-topic)
- Questions about DOS (sorry if off-topic)
- Questions about DOS (sorry if off-topic)
- debian testing no speakup at start
- Questions about DOS (sorry if off-topic)
- Questions about DOS (sorry if off-topic)
- Dos Questions
- debian testing no speakup at start
- Questions about DOS (sorry if off-topic)
- Questions about DOS (sorry if off-topic)
- Questions about DOS (sorry if off-topic)
- debian testing no speakup at start
- Questions about DOS (sorry if off-topic)
- Questions about DOS (sorry if off-topic)
- debian testing no speakup at start
- More on the "more" pager quirk...
- New hardware
- a thought about Michael's weirdness
- a thought about Michael's weirdness
- And more Debian Squeeze strangeness...
- a thought about Michael's weirdness
- Even more Debian Squeeze strangeness
- Found it!
- And more Debian Squeeze strangeness...
- a thought about Michael's weirdness
- Even more Debian Squeeze strangeness
- And more Debian Squeeze strangeness...
- Even more Debian Squeeze strangeness...
- New Debian unstable strangeness...
- New Debian unstable strangeness...
- speakupconf udev error
- speakupconf udev error
- Yasr not working
- maybe ot, gnome startup problems
- maybe ot, gnome startup problems
- maybe ot, gnome startup problems
- maybe ot, gnome startup problems
- Another strange Speakup quirk?
- Another strange Speakup quirk?
- To Samuel:
- Another strange Speakup quirk?
- To Samuel:
- To Samuel:
- [Fwd: [VINUX] Vinux 2.0 Beta 1 Release Announcement!]
- When I get my USB to serial adaptor
- OT, troubleshooting PC build
- Testing a synthesizer
- When I get my USB to serial adaptor
- When I get my USB to serial adaptor
- When I get my USB to serial adaptor
- When I get my USB to serial adaptor
- When I get my USB to serial adaptor
- Testing a synthesizer
- From: covici at
- Testing a synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- Location of synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- Location of synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- Location of synthesizer
- Location of synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- sound in debian
- Location of synthesizer
- sound in debian
- Testing a synthesizer
- List subject (was: Re: sound in debian)
- List subject (was: Re: sound in debian)
- Testing a synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- From: Willem van der Walt
- List subject (was: Re: sound in debian)
- Testing a synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- Espeakup sometimes randomly crashes
- sound in debian
- Testing a synthesizer
- Espeakup sometimes randomly crashes
- Testing a synthesizer
- Testing a synthesizer
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Testing a synthesizer
- OT - How to stop an account from receiving mail without deletingthe account?
- OT - How to stop an account from receiving mail withoutdeletingthe account?
- OT - How to stop an account from receiving mail withoutdeletingthe account?
- OT - How to stop an account from receiving mail without deletingthe account?
- Unix
- speakupconf
- speakupconf
- speakupconf
- From: webczat at
- speakupconf
- speakupconf
- speakupconf
- Successful migration
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- speech friendly migration
- Advice for speech-friendly migration
- O.T. anyone with an email server
- speech friendly migration
- Advice for speech-friendly migrationy
- Advice for speech-friendly migrationy
- Advice for speech-friendly migrationy
- OT - How to stop an account from receiving mail without deleting the account?
- Advice for speech-friendly migration
- OT - How to stop an account from receiving mail without deleting the account?
- xen
- From: webczat at
- left/right alt keys (was Re: Speakup compared to the other linux/unix screen readers)
- left/right alt keys (was Re: Speakup compared to the other linux/unix screen readers)
- left/right alt keys (was Re: Speakup compared to the other linux/unix screen readers)
- Speakup compared to the other linux/unix screen readers
- Speakup compared to the other linux/unix screen readers
- Speakup compared to the other linux/unix screen readers
- Speakup compared to the other linux/unix screen readers
- Speakup compared to the other linux/unix screen readers
- From: Willem van der Walt
- Speakup compared to the other linux/unix screen readers
- Speakup 3.1.3 is released.
- Speakup compared to the other linux/unix screen readers
- Unix
- suggestions on configuring sound cards
- New Listen and Learn recordings website with Linux audio walk through's
- installing packages from a different branch in debian
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- using speakup in open solaris
- using speakup in open solaris
- using speakup in open solaris
- using speakup in open solaris
- using speakup in open solaris
- using speakup in open solaris
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- karmic talks
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- speakup fails to compile under karmic
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- vbetool
- Unix
- Unix
- quote capital letter quote with via voice grml and speakup
- quote capital letter quote with via voice grml and speakup
- quote capital letter quote with via voice grml and speakup
- Unix
- problems with newer Speakup
- quote capital letter quote with via voice grml and speakup
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- speakup fails to compile under karmic
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- Unix
- speakup fails to compile under karmic
- working on a webpage describing distro-specific support for Speakup
- Ethernet not working, a weird one!
- working on a webpage describing distro-specific support for Speakup
- speakup fails to compile under karmic
- problems with newer Speakup
- problems with newer Speakup
- problems with newer Speakup
- problems with newer Speakup
- Ethernet not working, a weird one!
- Strange kernel messages
- Ethernet not working, a weird one!
- changes in git
- Uptime and w failing to report correct info?
- Ethernet not working, a weird one!
- making asterisk forward
- Ethernet not working, a weird one!
- Ethernet not working, a weird one!
- changes in git
- changes in git
- Ethernet not working, a weird one!
- Uptime and w failing to report correct info?
- Ethernet not working, a weird one!
- Ethernet not working, a weird one!
- Uptime and w failing to report correct info?
- Sound editor
- Uptime and w failing to report correct info?
- Ethernet not working, a weird one!
- Ethernet not working, a weird one!
- accessible audio editing software
- Having problems reading man pages...
- Having problems reading man pages...
- installing speakup in fedora?
- changes in git
- installing speakup in fedora?
- installing speakup in fedora?
- Say all with speakup or console tools?
- Say All With Console Tools
- Say all with speakup or console tools?
- Say all with speakup or console tools?
- Say All With Console Tools
- Say all with speakup or console tools?
- Say all with speakup or console tools?
- FreeBSD and speech again
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- configuring asterisk:cheap phone?
- Debian unstable or testing? (and an OT)
- speakup 3.1.2 is out
- 2.6.30 kernel issues
- 2.6.30 kernel issues
- 2.6.30 kernel issues
- developing accessible console applications
- developing accessible console applications
- developing accessible console applications
- From: Willem van der Walt
- developing accessible console applications
- OT: dialup
- trying to come back
- dialup
- dialup
- OT: dialup
- Installing speakup with software speech
- getting debian, speakup, espeakup working together?
- getting debian, speakup, espeakup working together?
- getting debian, speakup, espeakup working together?
- getting debian, speakup, espeakup working together?
- getting debian, speakup, espeakup working together?
- getting debian, speakup, espeakup working together?
- speakup in debian
- speakup in debian
- speakup in debian
- speakup in debian
- Trying to come back?
- Trying to come back?
- Trying to come back?
- Trying to come back?
- Trying to come back?
- Trying to come back?
- Trying to come back?
- Trying to come back?
- Trying to come back?
- Trying to come back?
- a note about Speakupconf and recent versions of Speakup
- patching speakup into my kernel
- patching speakup into my kernel
- disappearing /sys/accessibility/speakup
- disappearing /sys/accessibility/speakup
- disappearing /sys/accessibility/speakup
- disappearing /sys/accessibility/speakup
- disappearing /sys/accessibility/speakup
- disappearing /sys/accessibility/speakup
- disappearing /sys/accessibility/speakup
- disappearing /sys/accessibility/speakup
- disappearing /sys/accessibility/speakup
- disappearing /sys/accessibility/speakup
- disappearing /sys/accessibility/speakup
- disappearing /sys/accessibility/speakup
- speakup on fedora 11
- speaku git repository
- speaku git repository
- How to set up git mirror
- tips when using vim
- sip providers
- sip providers
- How to set up git mirror
- How to set up git mirror
- Mirror not working
- Where is w edit?
- Where is w edit?
- sip providers
- Mirror not working
- Mirror not working
- New mirror now available
- taking down my mirror
- speakkup and fedora 11
- taking down my mirror
- GNU debian installation using software speech audio walk-through
- [Fwd: [VINUX] Installation Audio Walk-Through]
- GNU debian installation using software speech audio walk-through
- GNU debian installation using software speech audio walk-through
- GNU debian installation using software speech audio walk-through
- GNU debian installation using software speech audio walk-through
- Sending text to be spoken
- speakup: built-in, or module
- GNU debian installation using software speech audio walk-through
- vinux
- vinux
- Characters being dropped when using softsynth.
- speakupconf problem and fix
- FSF newsletter
- speakupconf problem and fix
- speakupconf problem and fix
- speakupconf problem and fix
- Espeakup with Alsa
- vinux has spekup
- Espeakup with Alsa
- Still no steps in reading punc levels
- Still no steps in reading punc levels
- Espeakup with Alsa
- Still no steps in reading punc levels
- ZSH: The first letter of a command gets repeated
- ZSH: The first letter of a command gets repeated
- Baseball is back!
- ZSH: The first letter of a command gets repeated
- Why should I use espeakup
- ZSH: The first letter of a command gets repeated
- No steps in reading punclevel
- ZSH: The first letter of a command gets repeated
- No steps in reading punclevel
- No steps in reading punclevel
- speakup i18n question
- speakup i18n question
- From: Willem van der Walt
- speakup i18n question
- speakup i18n question
- speakup i18n question
- speakup i18n question
- speakup i18n question
- speakup i18n question
- speakup i18n question
- speakup i18n question
- speakup i18n question
- From: Willem van der Walt
- speakup version 3.1.0 is out.
- speakup version 3.1.0 is out. (fwd)
- speakup version 3.1.0 is out.
- speakup version 3.1.0 is out.
- Why should I use espeakup
- Why should I use espeakup
- speakup version 3.1.0 is out.
- advice needed, Verizon DSL
- advice needed, Verizon DSL
- advice needed, Verizon DSL
- advice needed, Verizon DSL
- speakup load error - how does he fix it?
- reading text ccontinuously
- Can anyone help get my ethernet port working using the sky2
- advantages of using espeakup
- speakup issues
- Why should I use espeakup
- Why should I use espeakup
- Can anyone help get my ethernet port working using the sky2 module?
- Why should I use espeakup
- TTSynth and other questions
- Can anyone help get my ethernet port working using the sky2 module?
- TTSynth and other questions
- Can anyone help get my ethernet port working using the sky2 module?
- TTSynth and other questions
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- TrixBox
- installing arch on second machine
- reading
- The latest Speakup from GIT crashes my system
- The latest Speakup from GIT crashes my system
- The latest Speakup from GIT crashes my system
- The latest Speakup from GIT crashes my system
- speakup: built-in, or module
- speakup: built-in, or module
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- speakup: built-in, or module
- audacity beginners guide
- i18n branch in Speakup git?
- i18n branch in Speakup git?
- audacity beginners guide
- audacity beginners guide
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- Mixers
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- Getting speakup running with grml
- Getting speakup running with grml
- Getting speakup running with grml
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- DECTalk question, was speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- Getting speakup running with grml
- Getting speakup running with grml
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- Getting speakup running with grml
- samba issues
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- samba issues
- samba issues
- samba issues
- DECTalk question, was speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- linux64on duocore? necessary?
- Software speakup on a livecd?
- Software speakup on a livecd?
- linux64on duocore? necessary?
- using orca (getting started)
- using orca (getting started)
- using orca (getting started)
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- Software speakup on a livecd?
- Software speakup on a livecd?
- speakup 3.0.4 and the timeout issue
- Software speakup on a livecd?
- linux64on duocore? necessary?
- Software speakup on a livecd?
- Software speakup on a livecd?
- Software speakup on a livecd?
- Speakup.conf and the switch-synth scripts
- Speakupconf again
- speakup 3.0.4 and the timeout issue
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- Speakup.conf and the switch-synth scripts
- speakup on ubuntu jaunty
- Speakup.conf and the switch-synth scripts
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- Speakupconf again
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup 3.0.5 bugfix release
- speakup 3.0.5 bugfix release
- speakupconf?
- No complete typing/spelling echo in Espeakup with direct=1
- speakupconf?
- speakup 3.0.5 bugfix release
- speakup 3.0.5 bugfix release
- speakup 3.0.4 and the timeout issue
- espeakup 0.71 is out
- Cursor tracking and laptops?
- Cursor tracking and laptops?
- Cursor tracking and laptops?
- Vinux
- Cursor tracking and laptops?
- Cursor tracking and laptops?
- OT: Got a Debian installer question related to SpeakUP...
- Cursor tracking and laptops?
- Speakup user guide?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- Speakup user guide?
- Cursor tracking and laptops?
- Cursor tracking and laptops?
- Vinux
- Speakup user guide?
- Vinux
- Vinux
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- Vinux
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- From: Willem van der Walt
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- Vinux
- Vinux
- Vinux
- Vinux
- Vinux
- Characters being dropped when using softsynth.
- Characters being dropped when using softsynth.
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- Speakup user guide?
- Speakup user guide?
- Speakup with speech-dispatcher and Dectalk or other -generic modules
- bug fixed was Re: speakup 3.0.4 is out
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- Speakup user guide?
- New git repository website active
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- working on a webpage describing distro-specific support for Speakup
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- working on a webpage describing distro-specific support for Speakup
- Vinux (was: Re: Accessible Ubuntu Installation?)
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- Vinux (was: Re: Accessible Ubuntu Installation?)
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- From: William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- Vinux (was: Re: Accessible Ubuntu Installation?)
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- speakup 3.0.4 is out
- New git repository website active
- Vinux (was: Re: Accessible Ubuntu Installation?)
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
- From: Willem van der Walt
- speakup using different synths with software speech?
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