Hi all, In our area we are not served by Verizon Fi-OS, only by their standard DSL service. I would appreciate any advice or reports of experience concerning what accessibility issues I might face switching to such an internet service. First, what equipment will they want me to use? Will it be accessible from a command line Linux environment? Right now edbrowse does a nice job with my WRT54G router. What can I expect from Verizon equipment? Any other tips or suggestions will be appreciated, I haven't yet contacted them, but would like to do so fairly soon. Economics is the issue here, since Verizon DSL is about 40% of the cost of our present cable service. Chuck -- The Moon is Waning Crescent (41% of Full) My web site: www.hallenbeck.ftml.net Microblog: http://identi.ca -------- To see a need and wait to be asked, is to already refuse.