Hi, I did notice an issue with the Trippletalk not reported here, but I think it's unique to that synth. Yes, there is definitely a delay when using the keypad plus before speech starts, either with the Doubletalk LT or Trippletalk. If using the regular reading keys, there is no delay. I don't recall noticing that with my DEC Express but it's been several months since I've used Speakup with that synthesizer. In my brief tests with software speech, I didn't notice this and actually Speakup seemed far more responsive than usual. The problem with the Trippletalk that I would like to report is a bad case of stuttering, but only sometimes. I think it's unique to that synth because the Doubletalk LT didn't do it, but it can generally be repeated by using keypad plus. It used to happen sometimes in Windows with the same synthesizer but not all the time. Again, it only happens when I read the entire screen and only sometimes. I can't think of a case where it can be consistently reproduced, but one thing that always seems to do it is the word "file" near the top of the screen, such as the "File" menu in many Windows apps or if the word shows up at the top of the screen with Speakup. It will stutter and repeat a few times before reading the rest of the screen normally. Michael, does the Jupiter screen reader support 2.6.29 kernels with SMP? If it supports recent kernels on the x86-64 arch and doesn't require a custom kernel to be compiled, I would like to try it. I had no luck with yasr at all and the manual leaves much to be desired. Is it in Debian or where can it be downloaded?