Hello everybody: We have finally managed to get the new linux-speakup.org website up and active. I want to thank Steve Dawes for putting together the primary version of the site. I also want to thank William Hubbs and Chris Brannon for helping me get this working correctly. It replaces our standard web pages and if you'd like to work on the site you can get a copy from git clone http://linux-speakup.org/speakup-web.git. You can send any changes you have as patches to myself or webmaster at linux-speakup.org. If you make regular changes we will happily set you up an account to directly make changes. Many of you have expressed an interest in having a wiki portion of the site so users can directly make their experiences and useful tips available. I will work on setting something up and place a link on the site when it's ready for prime-time. Sometime over the next two months I will be moving linux-speakup.org back to my university servers so our bandwidth should go back up to decent speeds. I will also attempt to make the site available through ipv6 for folks into moving the network forward. If anyone is interesting in mirroring our site you can clone the repository and grab a copy of the ftp area from either our site or John Heims mirror and send me a link to place on the site or update the front page and send me a diff. Once again thank you to everyone involved in bringing this together. I really appreciate your help. Kirk -- Kirk Reiser The Computer Braille Facility e-mail: kirk at braille.uwo.ca University of Western Ontario phone: (519) 661-3061