Well during the last couple of months there were times my shell provider had much slower downloads--and near the end of that time frame I notice lots of trouble while editing or arrowing. Well, now the downloads are faster than ever, but the cursoring is much worse, trying 2 different unix shells. Arrowing left-and-right I am hearing different letters--and many times arrowing down I hear a duplication of the line above. When I am just working in the local machine I am not noticing any of this, but since my DSL speed has not dropped--and actually shellworld is faster, I have no idea why these cursoring issues are happening. And also, while on shellworld with Speakup, in 4-years, I never hear a character I backspace over, as I do on the hard-drive. In the dectalk well actually dectlk directory, cursor time is set at 100. Trigger time is at 30 Delay time is 400 Full-time is 1000, whatever that is. Those look to be any relivant settings, but speaking of settings, ever since this newer speakup in FC9, we mostly cannot load my altered settings in the charactors file. For example, I fixed 9 so it says niner and tried to fix the letter zee. In the old days I could just make changes in these tiny files--and make sure they were in the right 2 places, but now its much more complicated. Can some1 please tell us if we can fix any of these items? And thanks in advance. Hart