Wonder if anyone can help, having a strange problem with procmail. I am using maildir and most of the filters are working with mail ending up in the correct maildir. However, a couple of the rules are being ignored. Sure this is something obvious but not finding the problem. Will attach my .procmailrc if the list allows it. Many thanks Keith -------------- next part -------------- MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail/ LOGFILE=$HOME/.procmaillog VERBOSE=no :0 * ^TO_blind-hams blindhams/ :0 * ^TO_speakup speakup/ 0: * ^TO_wfaccess at wfusers.com wayfinder/ 0: * ^TO_orca-list at gnome.org orca/ 0: * ^TO_gw4nby gw4nby/ :0 * ^TO_gw-info wineyes/ :0 * ^TO_access-uk at freelists.org accessuk/ :0 inbox/