Linux Speakup
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- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process, (continued)
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Samuel Thibault
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Cheryl Homiak
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Daniel Dalton
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Samuel Thibault
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Samuel Thibault
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Gregory Nowak
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process, part 2,
Gregory Nowak
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Daniel Dalton
- debian gripes, accessibility, and labels, was: Re: Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Gregory Nowak
- debian gripes, accessibility, and labels, was: Re: Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Daniel Dalton
- debian gripes, accessibility, and labels, was: Re: IntegratingSpeakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Juan Hernandez
- debian gripes, accessibility, and labels, was: Re: IntegratingSpeakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Georgina Joyce
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Kerry Hoath
- Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Michael Whapples
- recommendations on good outbound smtp relay,
Kerry Hoath
- [Fwd: Re: Upgrading from 32 bit to 64 bit],
Tony Baechler
- custom live cd,
Daniel Dalton
- [d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: Speakup_soft lockup],
Daniel Dalton
- speakup with laptops,
- Speakup_soft lockup,
Samuel Thibault
- Software for stats,
John R. Jeavons
- Upgrading from 32 bit to 64 bit,
Georgina Joyce
- where is the git repository,
Kristoffer Gustafsson
- new OCR project for Linux!,
Chris Brannon
- speakup debian sid as of 3/28/2009 follow up,
Jude DaShiell
- time-sensitive screen clearing,
Jude DaShiell
- Espeakup,
Cheryl Homiak
- xen problems,
webczat at
- Speakup at boot,
Cheryl Homiak
speakup.synth= vs modprobe,
John G. Heim
xen and rate,
webczat at
webczat at
/dev/vcsa codes and unicode,
arimo at
3rd release of the talking ArchLinux install CD,
Chris Brannon
Speech-enabled version of Image for Linux,
Tony Baechler
installing arch,
Tyler Littlefield
trouble accessing a hard drive,
Alex Snow
getting an irc up and running:official speakup chat?,
Tyler Littlefield
denyhosts quandry,
Tyler Littlefield
quick fetchmail question,
Tyler Littlefield
espeakup repository now on github,
William Hubbs
Booting the linux.,
webczat at
booting from CD, shortcuts anyone?,
Chuck Hallenbeck
How to unmute multiple controls at once,
Keith Hinton
knoppix 6.01 adriane,
Christopher Moore
news about the talking ArchLinux ISO,
Chris Brannon
Arch Linux talking Iso,
Keith Hinton
Cheryl Homiak
Speakup, xen, bios and grub support.,
webczat at
Update Speakup documentation,
Speakup-enabled ArchLinux install CD, version 2!,
Chris Brannon
[Fwd: Re: Adding speech to IFL],
Tony Baechler
Biff for screen sessions,
Igor Gueths
looking for: ssh hosting,
Tyler Littlefield
debian error messages,
lists at
Something Broken in Speakup with spkout,
Steve Holmes
Character pronounciation,
Zachary Kline
Kernel preemption spelling bug,
Keith Hinton
Numeric User Gone Bad?,
Steve Holmes
charset question,
Cheryl Homiak
speakup and the letter z,
Chuck Hallenbeck
Custom Clinezilla Live with speakup and espeakup,
Garrett Klein
espeak and the letter z,
Chuck Hallenbeck
one of our listers did a podcast!,
Chris Brannon
Where does espeakup live?,
Paul Hunt
overriding debian repositories,
Gregory Nowak
eth0 not recognized:school system,
Tyler Littlefield
Problem with speakup software synthesis if speechd-up or espeakup not running,
Alastair Irving
filtering with procmail,
Keith Barrett
Debian Lenny with speakup_dectlk module,
Erik Heil
Speakup Debian ISO,
Chuck Hallenbeck
Debian Lenny,
Chuck Hallenbeck
command line ftp client,
Keith Barrett
espeakup v0.51 released,
William Hubbs
Tip for installing espeakup,
Chuck Hallenbeck
espeakup v0.5 released,
William Hubbs
Making Grub Talk,
Steve Holmes
Mobile Broadband - e220 - T-Mobile,
Georgina Joyce
Lynx startup file problem,
Cheryl Homiak
music composing?,
debian lenny and sound card,
Keith Barrett
OT, please help with apache2 RewriteRule,
Gregory Nowak
Speakup laptop layout,
David CSercsics
GRML and apollo synth,
Michael Whapples
speakup reflecter will be down,
Gene Collins
[OT] emulating a hardware synth,
Robert Epprecht
[OT] emulating a hardware synth,
Robert Epprecht
Message not available
Hello and qeustion about SpeakUp,
Charlie Dorff
An RFE for the clipboard,
Janina Sajka
more key echo,
Keith Barrett
Hello, and installing Speakup on Ubuntu Intrepid,
Paul Hunt
turning off key echoe in speakup,
Keith Barrett
key echo in speakup,
Keith Barrett
a quick thanks:for kerry,
Tyler Littlefield
Tyler Littlefield
installing linux from USB?,
Tyler Littlefield
OT: mlb, nfl and related audio access issues,
Cheryl Homiak
slackware 12.2,
tony seth
finding out what a language is running?,
Tyler Littlefield
another attempt to use speakup,
Bruce Noblick
Cisco courses for the vision impaired,
Kerry Hoath
for all you maraket savy edbrowse users,
Christopher Moore
speakup and key echoe and key layout,
Keith Barrett
slrn and speakup,
Keith Barrett
speakup is nice,
John G. Heim
- speakup is nice,
Trevor Astrope
- speakup is nice,
James Homuth
- speakup is nice,
Tyler Littlefield
- speakup is nice,
Michael Whapples
- speakup is nice,
Janina Sajka
- speakup is nice,
James Homuth
- speakup is nice,
Willem van der Walt
- speakup is nice,
James Homuth
- speakup is nice,
Willem van der Walt
- speakup is nice,
Chris Brannon
- speakup is nice,
Michael Whapples
- speakup is nice,
James Homuth
- speakup is nice,
Garrett Klein
- speakup is nice,
Michael Whapples
- speakup is nice,
James Homuth
- speakup is nice,
Michael Whapples
- speakup is nice,
Tyler Littlefield
- speakup is nice,
James Homuth
- speakup is nice,
Michael Whapples
- speakup is nice,
Tyler Littlefield
- speakup is nice,
al Sten-Clanton
- speakup is nice,
Kirk Reiser
speakup is nice,
speakup is nice,
Janina Sajka
<Possible follow-ups>
speakup is nice,
tony seth
Possibly OT: general Linux accessibility channel on IRC?,
James Homuth
Loading speakup modules strange problem.,
Joe Kamphaus
looking for a set of applications,
Tyler Littlefield
speakout does not always shut up,
John covici
Trouble Compiling modules/kernel,
Joe Kamphaus
iptables errors:something wrong with distribution?,
Tyler Littlefield
Motivational Posters, Demotivators,
Henry Dixon
mail problems debian,
Keith Barrett
making a backup of my linux filesystem with tar and bz2,
Nick Gawronski
System still locks up on me in Debian,
download the git version of speakup for use in the latest kernel,
Nick Gawronski
more on hald conflict with Dectalk Express driver,
Adam Myrow
intermittently unable to shut up speakout,
John covici
locale issues,
Tyler Littlefield
status of speakup in gentoo,
Nick Gawronski
Merry Xmasand happy holidays,
Kirk Reiser
hal on debian testing fails configuration,
Nick Gawronski
installing ubuntu with orica?,
Tyler Littlefield
newsreading with debian lenny,
Keith Barrett
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