Linux Speakup
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- getting debian, speakup, espeakup working together?, (continued)
- speakup in debian,
Don Raikes
- Trying to come back?,
Joseph Norton
- a note about Speakupconf and recent versions of Speakup,
Chris Brannon
- patching speakup into my kernel,
Don Raikes
- disappearing /sys/accessibility/speakup,
David Sexton
- speakup on fedora 11,
Don Raikes
- speaku git repository,
Don Raikes
- tips when using vim,
- How to set up git mirror,
Tony Baechler
- Where is w edit?,
Christopher Moore
- sip providers,
Alonzo cuellar
- Mirror not working,
Tony Baechler
- New mirror now available,
Tony Baechler
- speakkup and fedora 11,
Don Raikes
- taking down my mirror,
Chris Brannon
- [Fwd: [VINUX] Installation Audio Walk-Through],
Georgina Joyce
- Sending text to be spoken,
David Sexton
- GNU debian installation using software speech audio walk-through,
Georgina Joyce
- vinux,
Jude DaShiell
- FSF newsletter,
Georgina Joyce
- speakupconf problem and fix,
Adam Myrow
- vinux has spekup,
Georgina Joyce
- Espeakup with Alsa,
- Still no steps in reading punc levels,
- Baseball is back!,
Christopher Moore
- ZSH: The first letter of a command gets repeated,
- No steps in reading punclevel,
- speakup i18n question,
Willem van der Walt
- speakup version 3.1.0 is out. (fwd),
Kirk Reiser
- speakup version 3.1.0 is out.,
Kirk Reiser
- advice needed, Verizon DSL,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- speakup load error - how does he fix it?,
Georgina Joyce
- reading text ccontinuously,
Arthur Pirika
- Can anyone help get my ethernet port working using the sky2,
Georgina Joyce
- advantages of using espeakup,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- Why should I use espeakup,
Joe Kamphaus
- Can anyone help get my ethernet port working using the sky2 module?,
Georgina Joyce
- TrixBox,
A.J. Kinnee
- installing arch on second machine,
Christopher Moore
- reading,
Alonzo cuellar
- The latest Speakup from GIT crashes my system,
- speakup: built-in, or module,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- i18n branch in Speakup git?,
- audacity beginners guide,
Georgina Joyce
- Getting speakup running with grml,
David Sexton
- samba issues,
Tyler Littlefield
- using orca (getting started),
Tyler Littlefield
- linux64on duocore? necessary?,
David Sexton
- Software speakup on a livecd?,
David Sexton
- speakup on ubuntu jaunty,
Georgina Joyce
- Speakup.conf and the switch-synth scripts,
- Speakupconf again,
- No complete typing/spelling echo in Espeakup with direct=1,
- speakupconf?,
- speakup 3.0.5 bugfix release,
William Hubbs
- speakup 3.0.4 and the timeout issue,
Michael Whapples
- OT: Got a Debian installer question related to SpeakUP...,
- Cursor tracking and laptops?,
James Homuth
- Characters being dropped when using softsynth.,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1 303 722 7209
- Speakup with speech-dispatcher and Dectalk or other -generic modules,
Garry Turkington
- Speakup user guide?,
James Homuth
- working on a webpage describing distro-specific support for Speakup,
Chris Brannon
- New git repository website active,
Kirk Reiser
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Tyler Littlefield
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Gregory Nowak
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
William Hubbs
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
James Homuth
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Willem van der Walt
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Tony Baechler
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
James Homuth
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
al Sten-Clanton
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Georgina Joyce
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Tony Baechler
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Georgina Joyce
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Tony Baechler
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Tyler Littlefield
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Alex Snow
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Michael Whapples
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Tony Baechler
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Tyler Littlefield
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Michael Whapples
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Tony Baechler
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Kerry Hoath
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Lorenzo Taylor
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Chris Brannon
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Lorenzo Taylor
- DECTalk question, was speakup using different synths with software speech?,
al Sten-Clanton
- DECTalk question, was speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Adam Myrow
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
farhan Khan
- Mixers,
Tony Baechler
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Georgina Joyce
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Tony Baechler
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Willem van der Walt
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Tony Baechler
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Georgina Joyce
- speakup using different synths with software speech?,
Christopher Moore
- FW: [orca-list] Instalation question.,
James Homuth
- espeakup 0.71 is out,
William Hubbs
- speakup 3.0.4 is out,
William Hubbs
- ot, use_tempaddr not working right,
Gregory Nowak
- Speakup, Cepstral and Speech-dispatcher,
Igor Gueths
- changing synths,
Christopher Moore
- OT: Emacspeak and Fedora,
al Sten-Clanton
- Another *possible* bug?,
- Think I found a bug...,
- CPU issues with Speakup,
- speakup direct option?,
Willem van der Walt
- [PATCH] Strip quotes and newline, take two.,
Christopher Brannon
- Speakup and locales,
- speakup issues,
William Hubbs
- description of my most recent patch,
Chris Brannon
- [PATCH] Strip quotes and newline when setting STRING parameters.,
Christopher Brannon
- Mailing lists link,
Cheryl Homiak
- docx2txt scripts,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- accessing .docx documents,
Chuck Hallenbeck
Accessible Ubuntu Installation?,
speakupconf and trailing blank lines in files under parameters/,
Chris Brannon
[PATCH] Remove trailing newlines from files in /sys/module/speakup/parameters.,
Christopher Brannon
Speakup defaults,
Chuck Hallenbeck
Linuxes to run on eeepc 701s or netbooks?,
Kerry Hoath
retreaving pts device,
Tyler Littlefield
uml question,
Tyler Littlefield
torrent client suggestions,
Gregory Nowak
ot, configuring ipv6 routing to tap device,
Gregory Nowak
Disabling Speakup's use of keypad?,
Zachary Kline
openvpn configuration,
Tyler Littlefield
Accent PC for sale,
Lawrence Baggett
How much will a speech synthesizer cost?,
Charlie Dorff
debian sid problem solved,
Jude DaShiell
vinux 1.4 walk through,
Georgina Joyce
espeak U.S. mirror question,
Jude DaShiell
open vpn,
Tyler Littlefield
Finally got smart about my ltlk issue,
Cheryl Homiak
espeakup.iso install failure,
Jude DaShiell
Pine: Including a username and password for a SMTP or NNTP server,
Mike Keithley
SpeakUP and IRC...,
Brltty layout question?,
Paul Migliorelli +1 3 0 3 5 5 2 6 9 7 0
problem with audapter,
Kitty Litter
speakup web page,
Jude DaShiell
Trying to get a Dell Enspiron Laptop to Talk,
Martin McCormick
Dectalk Express synthesizer question,
Cory Martin
solution for mail filters,
Tyler Littlefield
mini-beep.iso follow up,
Jude DaShiell
debian sid upgrades,
Jude DaShiell
mini-beep.iso request,
Jude DaShiell
Speakup Skipping Text,
Hart Larry
ubuntu server with speakup,
Juan Hernandez
Speakup getting buggier.,
navigation issues,
Tyler Littlefield
using nc as proxy,
Tyler Littlefield
fedora 10 install,
Juan Hernandez
making pop and smtp work with accounts,
Tyler Littlefield
ltlk issue again,
Cheryl Homiak
Espeakup and other language than english,
Michał Dziwisz
shell-fm package,
Christopher Moore
edbrowse tip,
Jude DaShiell
Accessibility of netbooks,
Alastair Irving
audio encoder?,
speakup problems using vim 7.2,
Kitty Litter
Further info on apollo bug with speakup,
Michael Whapples
mono-vbnc and speakup,
Jude DaShiell
speakup debian sid update?,
Jude DaShiell
slackware 12.2 installation?,
Jude DaShiell
[d.dalton@xxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: memory/cpu usage monitor:best solution],
Daniel Dalton
memory/cpu usage monitor:best solution,
Tyler Littlefield
memory/cpu usage monitor:best solution,
Jason White
cygwin question,
Tyler Littlefield
tips on using m c,
Christopher Moore
quick bochs question,
Tyler Littlefield
Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
Nick Stockton
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
Kirk Reiser
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
John covici
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
al Sten-Clanton
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
Gregory Nowak
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
William Hubbs
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
John covici
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
Gregory Nowak
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
William Hubbs
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
Chris Brannon
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
Gregory Nowak
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
Chris Brannon
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
Gregory Nowak
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
Alex Snow
- virtualization, was: Re: Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
Gregory Nowak
- virtualization, was: Re: Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
Alex Snow
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
Gregory Nowak
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
- Which hardware synthesizer to buy?,
Garrett Klein
arch linux build tools,
Christopher Moore
Apollo stops talking from time to time,
Michael Whapples
[Fwd: [acb-l] MLB--How to Get to the Gameday Audio Page],
Tony Baechler
Speakup options,
Michael Whapples
image verification and trying to sign up for mlbviewer forum,
Cheryl Homiak
Integrating Speakup/ESpeakup into Debian boot process,
Jason White
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