Hello. Yasr is what you want to use. Speakup only works on the Linux console, while, as you've noted, yasr works on ptys. It is possible to rn multiple instances of Yasr on one machine giving you even more flexibility. -Brian On Aug 30, 12:29pm, Peter Lecky wrote: } Subject: speakup on pseudo terminal? } -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- } Hash: SHA1 } } Hi All, } I am a new user of speakup. Til now, I often used yasr and enjoied a } possibility to run it on pseudo terminal. } I am thinking to switch to speakup but i didn't find a possibility how } to change the focus of speakout to a particular pts. } Any ideas? } Thank You for all replyes } Peter } -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- } Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32) } Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://www.enigmail.net/ } } iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJQP0CIAAoJEKitnP1f3fESt8gH/jonB5SrKpQNR6B2aROvNxSY } 035LtK9Lb7qcmafMH++M+SgoXPmBm97+FeYS1m2Gj8sIwtojEMPvmsBjTb15mpjp } X2fKIjPyccClw5i+kuQMnXHYjkT4U+JUQYiShlcDqtCuNO3HSz9BBG5GBcyO2tPg } 3U96Ovsa3ysknP6cz0RLi74SIgWCA33KVeOURtfeZ9FkPALNpciZ0kDkIYKSN3bK } B6WFVZggDpwE+jvM3Crv8Rlk7qmgJajAqVu8kgDSTwZACjObws3o6Rq8bdWgA45V } nMT3kPjHEoKBl0pHU7UbrY53D+gZ37sMax0L9UazvfAB8/iNsNFxLBFj74RwME4= } =CYjH } -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- } _______________________________________________ } Speakup mailing list } Speakup at braille.uwo.ca } http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup >-- End of excerpt from Peter Lecky