Hi all, I've been following the discussion on converting .pdf to plain text and I'm having a problem of my own. I used the command line posted here, but I don't get readable text. It does convert, but letters are missing and there are random spaces, making it impossible to follow. Here is the command line I'm using: pdftotext -enc ASCII7 -layout issue1_en.pdf The file in question seems to have been produced with Scribus. I've made sure to upgrade to the latest poppler-utils from Debian testing. Later issues don't seem to be garbled as much. I also tried -raw and passing no options at all. If you want to help, please take a look and try your luck: http://dl.fullcirclemagazine.com/issue1_en.pdf Any help would be very much appreciated. Below is a sample of the output I'm getting: Is s ue #1 - June 2007 fulcircl l e T H E U B U N T U C O M M U N IT Y M A G A Z IN E D EL A ND UBUNTU L D EL BEG INS SH IPPING UBUNTU M A CH INES! L SCRIBUS : H O W TO : INST L : A L LA RN TH E BA S ICS E L UX D I ECTO RI S