All, This may be a question answered elsewhere, but my web searches, checks of the list archives, and browse of the Speakup website didn't help. I'm moving to a new system and am getting "No such device" when echoing my synth (ltlk) to /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth. Speakup and the synth are both built-in to the kernel, not modules. I'm making a quantum leap from my old system here: old system is a 32-bit with on-board serial ports running Kernel 2.6.39. New system is 64-bit with Kernel 3.7.10 and SIIG two-port PCI serial card. Both systems are tunning Gentoo with the Gentoo-sources kernel and the version of Speakup distributed with those kernels. I did see a post from late 2011 saying that Speakup still wasn't supporting PCI serial cards. Is this still true, or does my problem lie elsewhere? Thanks, Keith