Hi all, I know some of you here use the "screen" package. I'm having a slight annoyance and I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong. First, I don't like tmux because it seems to use more memory and shows an annoying clock which seems to interfere with console output. It reads the time when the clock is updated and makes it hard to review what's on the screen. I'm sure there is a way around this, but Screen is older and more established, so that's what I use here. What I want to do is always have Screen start when I log into a shell. It doesn't need to start for subshells since I can create new windows as needed. If I already have a detached session, I would like it to reattach automatically. I added a line to /etc/bash_profile so it would start for all users which is what I want. The problem is that it always launches a new shell when I log in, so I have to log out twice. I first press ^D which ends the Screen session and ^D again to actually close my ssh connection. Is there a way that I don't have to do this? I could make screen my shell, but I don't know if that's a good idea. What do other people do? I read the man page and I don't see a way to get Screen to become the parent shell without launching a new shell when it starts. Thanks for any ideas and suggestions.