Hello. Just to followup on what Kyle wrote, I've been using Yasr under NetBSD for over 5 years, and I run it either from the console or in an Xterminal. Yasr has a pass-through key, so even if there is a key binding conflict between two applications, Yasr can work with that. I've grown rather fond of the flite speech engine, and eflite works quite well with Yasr, modulo a few bugs I had to fix in the early days. -Brian On May 10, 8:30am, Kyle wrote: } Subject: Re: the direction of speakup } According to Jason White: } # It runs its own shell and captures input/output, somewhat like screen(1). } } This actually makes YASR the most portable text console screen reader I } am aware of, since it can run on just about any Unix-like operating } system. It runs entirely in userspace and depends on shell output rather } than relying on any kernel level code or output. It also has the benefit } of being able to work with a wide range of hardware synthesizers via } Emacspeak servers and possibly other local drivers as well, and also has } software speech available through various interfaces, including EFlite } and speech-dispatcher. The trade-off is that you will get no speech } prior to login, although with the correct login script, you can have } YASR come up automatically once you've logged into the console you want } to use. There once was a separate program included in the YASR source } tree that could read the console prior to login, but I don't currently } know if it still works. I remember getting it to work at one point, but } that was some time ago. I did most things with a single text console } that ran YASR automatically at login and did all my work in Screen, } which allowed me to have a nearly unlimited number of "windows" open on } a single console, all under a single YASR instance. } } Just a quick note: because of the way YASR works in a subshell, it } should be capable of working in a desktop terminal application like } Xterm, giving you familiar functionality when you have that text-based } application that Orca doesn't like in gnome-terminal. Keybindings } shouldn't be a problem either, even if you use gnome-terminal and } silence Orca, since as far as I know, there aren't any conflicts between } Orca and YASR keyboard commands. } ~Kyle } http://kyle.tk/ } -- } "Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?" } Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie" } _______________________________________________ } Speakup mailing list } Speakup at linux-speakup.org } http://linux-speakup.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/speakup >-- End of excerpt from Kyle