I've been noticing a big problem lately when I close the lid on my laptop. I lose speech completely when I re-open the lid later. I'm running latest Arch Linux with the systemd implementation so espeakup is started as a system service and I also have speech dispatcher running as a central process using the systemd stuff. Anyway, When the lid is closed, it automatically runs whatever steps to "sleep" the machine. When I open it back up, most everything else "wakes" up find but I have no speech. I recall some incidents where espeak and spd-say would work when manually tested from the command line. alas, speakup is down for the count. I even tried recently to do a "systemd restart espeakup" but that managed to completely lock up that console session. When this systemd stuff got introduced a short while ago, I recalled everything coming up just fine. Now, no speech every time. I have to reboot to get speakup back. Any ideas why this is going on?