Hi, everyone. I have recently heard about a javascript/ajax capable browser somehow associated with the speakup project. I cannot find out anything about it on the web, but i am wondering if it would be ok to ask for some information. You don't know how much this will help me out. If this works, I will soon be free from the evils of the graphical world. You don't know what a blessing this will be. I have a few questions I need to ask about this browser before I remove my gnome desktop and the rest of what goes with it and have to try to reinstall. 1. Do you have distribution-specific packages available for wb? I am using debian testing and everything that works in the console is working like a dream on here, but the desktop screenreader is out. 2. What all kinds of media and whatever can this browser handle? 3. Is wb as capable of handling imbedded multimedia as, for example, firefox or something like that? 4. What about multimedia streams like radio stations and the like? 5. Does wb use helper programs like vlc or mplayer to handle all the different kinds of media that can be found on the web? 6. Does it have integration for starting mutt on mailto links on web sites? 7. How well does wb work with speakup? 8. Is the interface more like w3m which I am really familiar with or does it resemble some other browser such as links or lynx, the cat or whatever? 9. I hope wb will have some way to keep all those nose-pieces that run the web sites from trying to track the movements on their sites. I don't personally think they have the right to people's browsing habits. 10 Can wb be used with surfraw as the browser used when you do a, for example, google fusion reactor Will wb come up as the browser for this search? 11. If wb is not in a stable version yet, do you have an expected time frame for when it will be? 12. If wb is in a currently stable release, where can I get it? Thank all of you for any information you can give me. I just heard about this a few days ago and have been on a quest for it ever since. I hope to have it on here and working as soon as possible. I hope to see wb packaged for various distributions as soon as possible so that others can enjoy the freedom to, as the song says, "Say goodbye to guiwood." Thanks. -- Doug Smith: Special Agent S.W.A.T Spiritual Warfare and Advanced Technology Forever serving our LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST.