Squid Proxy Cache Users
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- Re: Error Question, (continued)
- Information Request: "Accept-Ranges" with use of SSL intercept and dynamic update caching,
Jonathan Lee
- [no subject],
- Howto enable openssl option UNSAFE_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION ?,
Dieter Bloms
- Any ideas for a project and\or research with AI about squid-cache?,
- Samba DNS Invalid zone operation IsSigned,
Ronny Preiss
- DNS Issue samba_dnsupdate: dns.resolver.NoAnswer,
Ronny Preiss
- Re: can't explain 403 denied for authenticated,
- Re: Upgrade path from squid 4.15 to 6.x,
Akash Karki (CONT)
- IPv6 happy eyeball on dualstack host,
sachin gupta
- Validation of IP address for SSL spliced connections,
Rik Theys
- urlfilterdb.com,
Anton Kornexl
- can't explain 403 denied for authenticated user,
- Simulate connections for tuning squid?,
Periko Support
- Adding an extra header to TLS connection,
Robin Wood
- log_referrer question,
Bobby Matznick
- Question: cache_mem share among multiple squid instances with the same service_name in SMP mode,
Zhijian Li (Fujitsu)
- Squid returns a lot of ABORTED in access log and user navigation speed slows,
Andre Bolinhas
- deny_info URL not working,
Vilmondes Queiroz
- Dynamic ACL with local auth,
Albert Shih
- Linux Noob - Squid Config,
Piana, Josh
Emre Oksum
Error from icap during respmod,
Arun Kumar
Best way to utilize time constraints with squid?,
Jonathan Lee
Andrey K
Squid macOS homebrew package doesn't put squid files in a neat folder,
Hima Tammineedi
enctype aes256-cts found in keytab but cannot decrypt ticket,
ivc chgaki
Container Based Issues Lock Down Password and Terminate SSL,
Jonathan Lee
Warm cold times,
Jonathan Lee
squid acl + user through ssh,
Albert Shih
"No buffer space available" is output to cache.log,
茂木 良平
Rock store limit,
Install-Problems under WSL2 / Unbuntu 22.04 LTS with squid v6.9,
Yvon Groß
Squid Cache 6.9 on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS. Not caching large files to disk.,
PinPin Poola
Squid as a http/https transparent web proxy in 2024.... do I still have to build from source?,
PinPin Poola
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS repository for Squid 6.9 (rebuilt from sources in Debian),
Rafael Akchurin
bye from me for now,
robert k Wild
Re: [External] squid-users Digest, Vol 116, Issue 7,
Bobby Matznick
Jonathan Lee
squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Francesco Chemolli
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Amos Jeffries
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Message not available
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Stuart Henderson
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Alex Rousskov
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Amos Jeffries
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Amos Jeffries
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Amos Jeffries
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Amos Jeffries
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Amos Jeffries
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Alex Rousskov
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Andrey K
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Francesco Chemolli
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Matus UHLAR - fantomas
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Francesco Chemolli
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Francesco Chemolli
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Jonathan Lee
- Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Amos Jeffries
Re: squidclient -h -p 3128 mgr:info shows access denined,
Alex Rousskov
Squid cache questions,
Jonathan Lee
Chrome auto-HTTPS-upgrade - not falling to http,
Loučanský Lukáš
BWS after chunk-size,
Request for Assistance with Squid Compilation on Windows 11,
Bill Andream
Squid Upgrade from 3.5 > 6.8,
Rauch, Mario
GCC optimizer is provably junk. Here is the evidence.,
Dave Blanchard
ACL / http_access rules stop work using Squid 6+,
Andre Bolinhas
Cache Manager (cachemgr.cgi) with IIS version 10 as web server,
Yvon Groß
Error during ICAP RESPMOD,
Arun Kumar
Compilation error for v6.8,
Miha Miha
Re: [squid-dev] Using AWS and a SQUID server to create Residential Proxies,
After upgrade from squid6.6 to 6.8 we have a lot of ICAP_ERR_OTHER and ICAP_ERR_GONE messages in icap logfiles,
Dieter Bloms
Manipulating request headers,
Ben Goz
Any Python ICAP server available,
Arun Kumar
Recommended squid settings when using IPS-based domain blocking,
Jason Marshall
Squid Proxy timing out 500/503 errors,
M, Anitha (CSS)
Squid stops responding after 12 browser tabs opened,
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2024:1 Denial of Service in HTTP Chunked Decoding,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2024:2 Denial of Service in HTTP Header parser,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2023:11 Denial of Service in Cache Manager,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2023:10 Denial of Service in HTTP Request parsing,
Amos Jeffries
Missing IPv6 sockets in Squid 6.7 in some servers,
Dragos Pacher
Squid Docker container,
squidclient ERR_ACCESS_DENIED,
Andrea Venturoli
ICAP response to avoid backend,
Google recaptcha use,
Squid delay_access with external acl,
Szilárd Horváth
Squid Segment Violation with authorization,
Eternal Dreamer
Error files removed from 6.7,
Stephen Borrill
Unable to filter javascript exchanges,
Anyone build Squid for on multiarch ie arm and arm64?,
Basic Squid-Cache docker containers,
Squid as an education tool,
Can't verify the signature of squid-6.7.tar.gz,
Miha Miha
New Squid prefers IPv4,
Rob van der Putten
external icap issue with squid 5 and higher,
stale-if-error returning a 502,
Robin Carlisle
does the logging of cache.log support the log modules like daemon, syslog, udp ...,
Dieter Bloms
Long Group TAG in access.log when using kerberos,
David Touzeau
FATAL: getpwnam failed to find userid for effective user 'squid',
SND Tecnologia - Administração
Security advisories are not accessible,
Adam Majer
Squid - Queue overflow,
Andre Bolinhas
Squid - Your cache is running out of filedescriptors,
Andre Bolinhas
CONNECT Response Headers,
Alex Coomans
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS repository for Squid 6.6 (rebuilt from sources in Debian unstable),
Rafael Akchurin
offline mode not working for me,
Robin Carlisle
Is a workaround for SQUID-2023:9 to disable TRACE requests?,
Dave Dykstra
ICAP too many errors and suspensions,
John Zhu
Is Squid 6 production ready?,
Miha Miha
chunked transfer over sslbump,
Arun Kumar
IPv4 addresses go missing - markAsBad wrong?,
Stephen Borrill
Re: [NOC] Squid Binary Package on RedHat Enterprise Linus,
Francesco Chemolli
Squid scales up tcp traffic to adsl users,
Ben Goz
squid hangs and dies and can not be killed - needs system reboot,
Cache_peer breaks Squid 5.5,
With Squid 6.5 -- ERROR: Failed to unpack Store entry metadata: swap meta MD5 mismatch?,
Carl Vuosalo
IP based user identification/authentication,
Andrey K
FATAL: assertion failed: peer_digest.cc:399: "fetch->pd && receivedData.data",
Brendan Kearney
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2023:9 Denial of Service in HTTP Collapsed Forwarding,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2023:8 Denial of Service in Helper Process management,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2023:7 Denial of Service in HTTP Message Processing,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2023:4 Denial of Service in SSL Certificate validation,
Amos Jeffries
Module c-icap help,
reconfigure drops in memory caches for external_acl_type,
Ziert, Norman
SSL Virtual Hosting Problem,
Mario Theodoridis
Https from sibling peers does not work,
Mihkel Tammepuu
Intercepted connections are not bumped,
Andrea Venturoli
UFS or ext4,
Mohsen Pahlevanzadeh
how to avoid use http/1.0 between squid and the target,
David Komanek
What's this 'errorno=104' error?,
Wen Yue
Kerberos pac ResourceGroups parsing,
Andrey K
mime.conf path,
Sai Eshwar
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS repository for Squid 6.5 (rebuilt from sources in Debian unstable),
Rafael Akchurin
6.x gives frequent connection to peer failed - spurious?,
Stephen Borrill
Squid: blocking all requests to plain ip addresses,
Christian Metzger
access.log - POST requests,
Stefan Meurer
log_db_daemon errors,
Brendan Kearney
Bug in squid-6.4, msg25035.html,
Siegfried Koloschin
Cache NTLM Authenticaion,
Andre Bolinhas
fallback from kerberos sso to basic auth,
Müller, Thomas
Get IP of denied request,
Squid 6.4 assertion errors: FATAL: assertion failed: stmem.cc:98: "lowestOffset () <= target_offset" current master transaction: master655 (backtrace)],
Ralf Hildebrandt
Build Issue on Ubuntu 22.04 for Squid version 6.4,
Rajasekaran, Raja
Security advisories pointing to Squid 6.4, but no download (yer)?,
Ralf Hildebrandt
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2023:5 Denial of Service in FTP,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2023:1 Request/Response smuggling in HTTP(S) and ICAP,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2023:2 Multiple issues in HTTP response caching,
Amos Jeffries
[squid-announce] [ADVISORY] SQUID-2023:3 Denial of Service in HTTP Digest Authentication,
Amos Jeffries
How to configure a transparent, pass-all, Squid proxy?,
Bud Miljkovic
Spliced domains tunnel connect is very slow,
Ben Goz
Squid not working properly ...,
Bud Miljkovic
external IP from DB,
Alexeyяр Gruzdov
Transparent HTTPS Squid proxy does not work!,
Bud Miljkovic
Fwd: Squid does not pass HTTPS traffic transparently,
Bud Miljkovic
very poor performance of rock cache ipc,
Julian Taylor
2 year old security bugs not fixed?,
Dieter Bloms
RFC: Irreplaceable squidclient features,
Alex Rousskov
Squid Caching Proxy Security Audit: 55 vulnerabilities and 35 0days,
Ralf Hildebrandt
Vey slow navigation,
Andre Bolinhas
Squid 4.17 read/write failure,
Andre Bolinhas
squid 5.9 Kerberos authentication problem,
Ludovit Koren
Unable to start Squid 6.3 "earlyMessages->size() < 1000",
David Touzeau
Squid 3.5.25 outgoing interface?,
Bud Miljkovic
Re: [ext] Squid quits while starting?!,
Dave Blanchard
Squid quits while starting?!,
Bud Miljkovic
No valid signing SSL certificate configured for HTTPS_port,
Bud Miljkovic
no more cache_object:// URL in 6.3?,
Ralf Hildebrandt
TLS passthrough,
Fernando Giorgetti
How to Initialize SSL database for Squid 3.5.25,
Bud Miljkovic
SIGABRT (coredump) in Ip::Address::getAddrInfo(addrinfo*&, int),
Dmitry Katsubo
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