On 10.07.24 08:52, Jonathan Lee wrote:
That makes sense, I only had a password in the previous version, how do I
add username admin for cachemgr?
you don't, that's why I said "username was not important"
simply try random username
On Jul 10, 2024, at 04:29, Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uhlar@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2024-07-08, Jonathan Lee <jonathanlee571@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
squidclient -h mgr:info@PASSWORD squidclient -h
1287.0.0.1 mgr:info@PASSWORD
Gives the following error
Embedding a password in a cache manager command requires providing a =
username with -U: mgr:info@PASSWORDHERE
Try "/squid-internal-mgr/info" where you have "mgr:info".
On 09.07.24 16:30, jonathanlee571@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks that also gave the error access denied
have you tried providing -U (and maybe -W) options to squidclient?
Because that one looks like squidclient error to me.
in previous versions username was not important for manager queries, just the password, which should be either part of user or provided by -W option
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@xxxxxxxxxxx ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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