PHP Users
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- Re: How to download a file (with browser) using fsockopen() ?, (continued)
- text messages,
blackwater dev
- In Your Arms,
- New search related question,
Jason Pruim
- Doctrine vs. Propel,
AmirBehzad Eslami
- Effecient mass mailings,
Robert Fitzpatrick
- Schedule tasks from server,
Pieter du Toit
- Fileinfo,
Mad Unix
- about preg_replace, please help !,
- Resetting a session variable,
Ron Piggott
- PHP5 and XSLTProcessor: disable validation, Siegfried Gipp
- php competion,
- flash with PHP,
Alain Roger
- how to make multiple website on one host,
jeffry s
- " using the mail() command,
Ron Piggott
- Re: " using the mail() command, Richard Lynch
how can make like ?,
Server to client file transfer with authorization: file always corrupt,
PHPPDO 1.0RC1 released,
Nikolay Ananiev
Jacco van Hooren,
Nathan Rixham
Location in php's source for ini-values,
ehl lhe
Redirecting STDERR to a file?,
Calling All Opinionated ******** ....,
Jochem Maas
Posting Summary for Week Ending 1 February, 2008: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, PostTrack [Dan Brown]
Pass Variable Names to a Function,
Bill Guion
Search function not working...,
Jason Pruim
Kyohere Luke
Release candidate: Chisimba-2.0.0RC1, Paul Scott
array iteration vs. ArrayIterator,
Nathan Nobbe
[Slightly OT] Apple MacBook MAMP and Logic,
Tom Chubb
Strtotime returns 02/09/2008 for "next Saturday"....,
Mike Morton
PEAR website and MSIE 6,
Richard Heyes
Where is FAM ?,
Anup Shukla
Help looking for inventory software,
Zbigniew Szalbot
php spanish character problem,
We need PHP/LAMP Developers and Programmers in FL, MD, VA, NY, DC, CA, MA!!!!,
PHP Employer
Sum of results,
Dax Solomon Umaming
php embeded in html after first submit html disappear,
Janet N
potentially __sleep() bug,
Nathan Nobbe
call to a member function select() on a non object.,
nihilism machine
Need assistance using sendmail or mail(),
Mysql session handler?,
Mike Yrabedra
Timeout while waiting for a server->client transfer to start (large files),
Barney Tramble
Using next() inside a foreach,
Erik Stackhouse
first php class take 2,
nihilism machine
first php 5 class,
nihilism machine
How can I do this -- method chaining,
Christoph Boget
Another question about functions...,
Jason Pruim
Handle time-outs and errors with file(),
John Papas
Framed & Linked Content,
Mike Potter
how to display photos of the day?,
jeffry s
Your Favourate PHP IDE?, skylark
curl timeout vs socket timeout,
Ravi Menon
Fwd: Posting Summary for Week Ending 25 January, 2008: parasane@xxxxxxxxx,
Daniel Brown
Using CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS correctly?, Kevin Eppinger
Setting session from within iframe?,
Mike Yrabedra
Re: Posting Summary for Week Ending 25 January, 2008: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Zoltán Németh
Getting nuequiz pro wo to work in php5,
Don Don
Getting part of string matched with regular expressions,
i enconter a question when use Zend Framework's _foward function,
little btx
interface inheritance,
Nathan Nobbe
How to prevent direct access..,
htmlentities() does not remove escape,
Hex Strings Appended to Pathnames,
Re: Hex Strings Appended to Pathnames, Chris
determine file-upload's tmp-filename,
Michael Fischer
Printing Question,
Peter Jackson
Binary to double without loosing precision?, Nathan Rixham
Functions are driving me crazy....,
Jason Pruim
Exception thrown without a stack frame,
Jochem Maas
how dod you get to do multiple mysql queries concurrently?,
Per Jessen
Re: php-general Digest 25 Jan 2008 07:59:28 -0000 Issue 5255,
Emil Edeholt
php-general-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Marek Zdybel
Looking for easier way to build email message,
Rene Brehmer
pack it in,
Jochem Maas
Sql support,
PHP and LDAP Authentication,
Sutton, John
Question about functions,
Jason Pruim
Re: (Slightly OT) are email address could be spammed, Tom Chubb
Assistance needed with mysql query to achieve this php5,
Don Don
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