Mike Morton schreef:
Good point ;) Except that generally, when am told "next Saturday" - I take that to mean "the next Saturday" - just one more ambiguity in the english language that makes it so hard to learn I suppose! The odd thing about this whole situation it that it seems to have cropped up just after we "upgraded" to 4.3.9 - prior to that, "next Saturday" worked just peachy. I wish I knew which version we were running before that - but that record was not kept. I guess we are stuck with this, what maybe is a problem with this version, until the Redhat RPM gets higher than 4.3.9 - since that is what our server manager uses for updates.... I could always adjust it to be: date("m/d/Y",strtotime("+ ".(6-date("w"))." days")); That should always return the next Saturday of the week, and if I am correct in my thinking, then even on the Saturday, 6-6 = 0 - which would return that day... Which does, at least for my application of it, work.
so your actually saying 'find the closest saturday, in the future, from today'. because if it was saturday, and you said to me "see you next saterday" I'd expect to see you in 7 days time.
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