On Jan 29, 2008 2:39 PM, Jason Pruim <japruim@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Okay, so I checked everything I can think of, and it's still > downloading it as an application which means it's downloading the > entire website instead of just the data from the database... Anyone > have any idea what to check? im guessing youre trying to hit the invocation of excelexportfunc(), as it sits in your existing script. create a simple test script that does nothing else but invoke the excelexportfunc() function. you can pass variables to it from the url, or hardcode them if you like; id probly hardcode them at first. <?php include('excelexportfunc.php'); // <-- set accordingly $select = ''; // <-- set me $sortOrder = '' <-- set me $exportdate = '' <-- set me excelexportfunc($select, $sortOrder, $exportdate); ?> that *should* get you the results youre looking for. from there you need to determine why the method isnt working in the context of your existing script. -nathan