Re: first php 5 class

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nihilism machine schreef:
Ok, trying to write my first php5 class. This is my first project using all OOP PHP5.2.5.
I want to create a config class, which is extended by a connection 
class, which is extended by a database class. Here is my config class, 
how am I looking?
dunno can't see you. but your class looks like crap, in fact it don't think it
will even parse. have you tried running it?


class dbconfig {
    public $connInfo = array();
    public $connInfo[$hostname] = '';
    public $connInfo[$username] = 'db23499';
    public $connInfo[$password] = 'ryvx4398';
    public $connInfo[$database] = 'db23499_donors';
the above is plain wrong.

1. you can't do multiple property definitions for a single [array] property
2. your storing hardcoded values in a class which is meant to be somewhat generic/reusable
3. you've just told the world your password/login/db credentials

    public __construct() {
        return $this->$connInfo;
constructors aren't meant to return anything. besides you won't be able to
retrieve the returned value.

not too mention '$this->$connInfo' is the wrong syntax it should be:


I'd recommend some more research on basic class syntax.



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